
10 Weight Loss Tips To A Slimmer You

When looking to lose weight many people do not want to make the necessary big changes that will bring them fast and healthy weight loss. If you are one of those people, that doesn't mean that you can't start to lose weight at a slower pace by following a few weight loss tips.

Here are some weight loss tips that you can use to get started. Pick a few to help you get started. Making these small changes won't help you shed the pounds very fast but if you are consistent you will see the extra weight come off over time. I would suggest that at the beginning of each week you read through the weight loss tips and chose one more that you can add to your life.
  1. Eat Breakfast. This might be the best weight loss tip out there. If you eat a healthy breakfast it tells your body to wake up and your metabolism to get a move on.

  2. Don't let yourself get to starving. This leads to over eating. Pack single serve snacks like almonds to ward off any hunger pangs. This helps you avoid buying a bag of something that you will eat all of.

  3. Drink a glass of water when you think you are hungry. Sometimes our body confuses thirst with hunger.

  4. Don't put all of the food on the table. Use a buffet style serving so that you have to get up to get more food. This makes you think twice about second helpings rather than mindlessly grabbing another chicken leg.

  5. Sit down and use a plate to eat. This kind of goes with weight loss tip number 4 but I thought it needed restated. It is easy to consume a large amount of calories standing at the kitchen counter without feeling like you have had a meal.

  6. Eat a salad once a day. This is not potato salad people! A small lettuce salad with minimal dressing is a good addition to any meal.

  7. Don't measure your food, configure your plate. If you want to have a healthy balance on your dinner plate fill half of your plate with a green salad and raw veggies. Use a spray dressing like vinaigrette for calorie control. Fill one quarter of your plate with a cooked vegetable and one quarter of your plate with your meat or protein dish. No measuring and no calorie counting. You will get a balanced meal every time. Just don't go back for seconds.

  8. Drink cold water. Make sure you are staying well hydrated. If your body isn't getting enough fluids it will hold on to the ones you are giving it which will result in water retention. When your water is cold you burn a few more calories to warm it up.

  9. Get your move on. If you don't like to exercise then don't. However, you need to get to moving. Go for a walk or better yet, put on your favorite tunes and dance, dance, dance. Don't worry if you look silly. If you have little kids have them join you and you will be the hit of the party.

  10. Think positive thoughts and give yourself compliments. Don't let yourself have a negative attitude. You probably have enough of that in your life that you don't need to add to it. Leave yourself positive notes on your mirror, inside the fridge and on your sun visor. You got this! You are worth the effort! Never give up!
Again, these weight loss tips won't make the weight fall off quickly but sometimes slow and steady wins the race.

Brenda Hess is a successful teacher and coach. She has dedicated years of her life into the research and implementation of weight loss plans with varying aspects of diet and exercise. She has been scientifically obese, has completed multiple marathons, and has been everywhere between. She has spent the money and time to find what works and what will disappoint you. To find out the results of years of research go HERE.
Weight loss is a personal journey that can get you great rewards. If you are ready for your journey click here to get your Free Weight Loss Report. I would love to help you change your life and reach your goals because I know you can do it!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Hess

Can I Eat Before Going to Bed at Night?

The other day while I was working out at the gym, one of my friends looked very tired before he had even started.It was quite surprising because usually he is on top of her energy levels even after hardcore workout, but it was different on that day.

I asked him what's going on in his life and why he was looking so terribly tired. He told me he hadn't been eating dinner for the past 3 days since he had been having hard time in reducing tummy fat even after hours of workout. I instantly told him that he was doing all wrong. He then told me he read it somewhere that if he eats dinner before bed, all the carbs will be stored as belly fat in his body since he'll do nothing but sleep.

Why Is It Bad to Eat Before Sleeping?

This is another myth about weight loss and belly fat which is half true. If you think logically you are going to sleep for the next 8 hours and this won't require much energy. So most people will think eating before bed will increase their tummy fat. But this idea will be true if you eat junk and sugary food before bed. This is without any doubt that you will gain weight if you eat junk foods and I won't recommend it obviously. Sorry guys, no late night tasty sugary foods.

Another important thing is that if you don't eat anything for dinner or take any light snacks before bedtime, you won't be able to sleep well. Your blood sugar level will reduce significantly which won't let you sleep well. You will toss and turn around all the night and I can bet that no matter how long you stay in the bed like this your sleep quality will be down in the dumps. It's not the quantity of the sleep that's going to affect you rather it's the quality.

Your blood sugar will be low if you don't eat anything for dinner, on the other hand, if you eat too much before bedtime even if it's good, your sleep quality won't be good because your body will be busy in digesting those huge amount of food you just swallowed.

What Should I Eat Before Sleep?

What I do is eat dinner within 8pm and have my bedtime snack at around 10pm. Obviously I stay away from all kinds of junk and sugary food items. These items will do no good to me rather screw up my sleep and increase my tummy fat.

Usually I eat two tablespoons of my favorite almond butter before I hit the bed. This makes me feel full and I can sleep really well. Besides, it's quick and hassle-free. You don't need to prepare it; all you need to do is to take the almond butter jar and a spoon to eat it. You can eat other healthy and sugar-free items as well.
So, it's definitely not bad to eat before bed as long as you eat protein-enriched sugar-free healthy foods.
You can consult your trainer for more tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ghulam_Saber

Bodybuilding and Weight Loss - A Balancing Act

Bodybuilding and weight loss inexorably entwine themselves symbiotically to tone your body muscles and affect easy loss of weight in the process. A special diet and proper exercises are basic ingredients that contribute to a healthy bodybuilding and weight loss program. When you combine a special low fat and high protein diet with cardio and weight training, you will build lean muscles, burn calories, fat, and lose weight steadily. Read on to find out how you can balance weight loss with bodybuilding for best results.


Sometimes, people get the impression that plenty of food is necessary when you take up bodybuilding. This is not true. The best way to eat is to have about six equally proportioned small meals with adequate nutrients each day. This way you will effortlessly build lean muscles without putting your insulin response or blood sugar levels at risk. You should avoid junk food during your bodybuilding and weight loss program because it will bring you highly negative results, since they contain no nutrients; instead, they are full of fat and sugar, both of which are detrimental to your efforts.


The bodybuilding and weight loss experts have concluded that you can achieve nothing without a proper diet. The right sequence of events first requires you to lose the excess body fat before you can even consider muscle-building. For this, you must change your eating style and include plenty of unprocessed food including raw, fibrous vegetables and fruits. Nutritious protein rich foods such as chicken, turkey, fish and other plant proteins will stand you in good stead in achieving your goal.


No bodybuilding program is complete without cardio exercises, which include swimming, jogging, running, cycling and the like. Cardio exercises when done in moderation easily contribute to systematic muscle-building. You achieve the best results by a balanced combination of cardio and weight training exercises. Light cardio exercises stimulate metabolism, which in turn burns more calories and fat, thereby helping you to lose weight without much effort.

Weight Lifting

Most experts insist on weight training (lifting) as an important input in systematic bodybuilding. Once you have lost your excess fat, you can join a good gym with a knowledgeable trainer who could instruct you how to go about weight lifting. If you gain sufficient knowledge on the subject and understand the dos and Don'ts, you could even do your weight training exercises at home, provided you have space for a working bench, a set of dumbbells, training ball and exercise bands. Weight training on alternate days will build your muscle and maintain it, also giving sufficient rest to your muscles after each weight lifting session.

The path to your goal is both rough and thorny. Stride with confidence and patience until you achieve your dream of a good body that is the envy of every woman around.
Click here to know more about fitness and Personal Training Raleigh.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sooraj_Surendran

If All Diet Plans Work, Which One Should You Choose?

We've all heard or read about at least 5 different eating strategies by now. The Paleo diet, The Atkins diet, slow-carb, gluten-free, intermittent fasting - if it's been out there for any decent amount of time, chances are you've heard about it. You've probably even been recommended a couple of these by your friends or your trainers. So, the results of all these strategies speak for themselves - they work. But the question is, which one of the many diet plans is right for you? And more importantly - can you create a hybrid eating strategy for yourself that mixes and matches parts of each diet you like? As it turns out, yes, you can. Let's look at a few ways you can create your own wonder diet.

1. Tracking your total calories consumed.

To put it bluntly, you should be eating fewer calories than you expend if you want to lose weight. Even though this sounds like an obvious strategy, there has been debate in the community recently about how effective this strategy truly is. Some research suggests that if your insulin levels are stable, it doesn't really matter how much you eat daily. But the basic idea is sound. Create a calorie deficit and you will lose weight and fat.
If keeping track of your daily calories consumed is too strenuous, aim for creating a deficit each week. Use a BMR calculator to find out how many calories your body will use up daily. Use this number to give you an idea how much you can eat during the week. Now typically, people who have a large social circle usually go to parties or group dinners once in a week. Use your calorie number to eat strictly for 5 days a week, leaving you with two days to let go and enjoy yourself.

2. Eating a Slow-carb or Low-carb diet.

The low-carb strategy has been around for a long time under different names, and the slow-carb diet has recently gained a lot of attention due to Tim Ferriss' bestseller 'The 4-Hour Body'. The basic advantage of eating this way is that your body remains in fat burning mode almost all year round since your insulin levels are kept stable. The Atkins, Paleo and Slow-carb diets are all good strategies for eating a low-carb diet.
Most of us have a lot of favorite foods which are carb heavy. Now it would be tough to abandon all of these completely. But you can work around this by consuming all your carbs immediately after you finish your workout and have all your other meals following the low-carb plan.

3. Intermittent Fasting for Fat Loss.

Research has shown that intermittent fasting has the same effects on the body as exercising. This is great news for those of us who would like to lose weight. It accomplishes both of the things required to keep the body in fat burning mode - keeping insulin levels stable and creating a calorie deficit. You can look online for intermittent fasting information, there are a lot of great websites that are dedicated to the subject.

If you want to weave intermittent fasting into your diet plan somehow, you can dedicate a few days of the week to it, leaving the rest of your week open for experimentation.

4. Eating every two hours to stay slim.

This is a dieting mechanism that has gained a lot of momentum in recent years. While the results vary drastically according to what is actually eaten every two hours, the basic theory is sound. Most of us tend to overeat if our bodies go without food for a long time. This strategy prevents that by ensuring that you are never too hungry, and are therefore more likely to exercise portion control during your meals. Some of us are simply accustomed to eating every few hours, so this method of dieting is a natural fit.

If you want to adopt this strategy, divide your total daily calorie requirement into 5-6 meals. Ensure each meal has a healthy amount of greens, nuts and protein sources. If you follow it correctly, your body will lose weight since your insulin levels will not spike.

5. Creating high calorie deficits for limited periods of time.

This is an extreme dieting plan that is usually adopted by athletes or models who want to get their body fat percentages extremely low before an event or a shoot. Basically, you eat much less than your calorie requirement for a few weeks at a time. For most of us, this kind of a diet is overkill. You will definitely lose a ton of weight eating this way, but the strains on your body and mind are tremendous.

If you are preparing for a shoot or an event of some kind that requires you to be especially lean, you can incorporate this into your eating schedule. But make sure you do it only a couple of times a year.
6. Giving yourself a cheat day once in a week.

Eating right can be a huge endeavor if you don't give yourself a break once in a while. The constant craving for comfort foods causes a lot of people to fall off the wagon. To counteract this, you can give yourself one day where you treat yourself to whatever you want to eat. This has multiple benefits - your cravings are satisfied and your metabolism is kept high.

Designate one day of the week where you are allowed to eat anything. If you have an active social life, this would be Saturday or Sunday. So stick to the diet for the rest of the week, and let your hair down on your cheat days.

In summation, there are a lot of eating strategies out there that will help you get into shape. Each of them has their own specific set of challenges. Try out a few and see if they are a good fit for you. If you find that you're getting good results on more than one plan, try to incorporate strategies from both into your own customized diet plan. And remember to have fun while you're doing it. The idea is not to punish yourself; it is to build a healthier, fitter and happier you.
MyReviewsnow.net offers information regarding diet plans. For more on diet plans, please visit us at MyReviewsNow.net.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cookie_Maxwell

Yoga Activity for Weight Loss

When trying to lose body fat do you envision exercises of long, strenuous and high intensity activities?
You are not alone. Many think that in order to lose body fat they have to participate in high intensity and sometimes painful exercises and this is simply not true.

You can lose the weight by doing a variety of fun and enjoyable low intensity exercises and yoga is a prime example.

Yoga offers strength training and builds muscle. This is done by holding these poses for extended periods of time, which works the muscles throughout the entire body. This breaks down and causes minuscule tears in the muscle so they can build back up by becoming stronger and bigger than before.

Yoga also helps your body to burn fat which in turn helps you to get the fit, healthy and tone look. Yoga requires endurance to hold those poses, builds strength and muscles. Yoga is a great stress buster and requires great focus and calm. Stress can have a negative effect on your digestion, sleep and your body's metabolism.

Overcoming stress will bring you mental clarity in losing weight and achieving your goal to a healthy body.
Losing weight does not have to be restricted to yoga or exercises that are full of strain and struggle. You can make them fun, interesting and burn a lot of calories. In fact there are many ways you can lose weight, biking, hiking, swimming and walking; these are just a few ideas you can do anytime in the day or evening.

Find an activity you enjoy or make a list of other activities you might like to try. You might want to share with a friend or join a group to motivate you and become more active. You may want to reach out to others who face the same obstacles and are working towards the same goals. Make a plan and create goals, this is a sure way of weight loss success.

Stay committed to your exercise program. Walk every day. Stay committed to taking at least 10,000 steps each day. Enjoy the benefits that exercise can provide including good mental health, blood flow, and a balanced metabolism.
Include water it helps to flush toxins from your body and helps you stay healthy and strong. Once you lose the weight and to keep it off, change your life style and adopt habits that will give your life longevity and good health.
Click here to get more information
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alex_D_Tom

The Best Fat Burners For Your Fitness Goals

Weight loss is one of the biggest problems faced by most people nowadays. With billions of fast food chains all over the world, how can one easily loss weight? Not everyone has enough time and fund to prepare healthy meals. Plus, fatty foods are usually very tasty and tempting.

You are one of the luckiest people if you have lightning fast metabolism - not everyone is gifted with it. Some countries, like the US, find ways to solve obesity and overweight problems among their people. But how does one lose weight? Basically, you lose weight through regular exercise and diet - two words that most people hate. You have to burn fat to lose the unwanted weight; therefore, you have to eat the right choices of food and do some cardiovascular exercise.

Fat Burners: How do they work?

Some people, even athletes, use fat burning supplements to help stop the absorption of fat that would contribute further to weight loss. These supplements work by increasing your body's metabolism to quickly remove fat. With proper exercise and diet, fat burners will give you the desired figure. However, not everyone is fit to take these supplements. You have to consult your doctor first before starting taking them. This is because the contents may interfere with your medications and worse, with your health. You have to know the best fat burners for your fitness goal. There are many types of fat burners:

• Thermogenic - This is the most common type of fat burner. It raises your body's temperature as well as your metabolic rate; thereby burning your unwanted fat. However, it is highly recommended to take this type of supplement in cycles because prolonged use can affect your central nervous system. One of the most active ingredients present is caffeine.

• Appetite Suppressants - One of the hindrances in weight loss is appetite control. Did you know that most of the time, the reason for your craving is the lack of proper hydration? Yes, oftentimes you are just thirsty. But if you really cannot control your appetite, this type of supplement can help. Hoodia is a very famous appetite suppressant that has been showing significant results.

• Carb Blockers - If you are the type of food lover that is deeply in love with carbohydrate-rich foods, then this is one of the best fat burners for you. Carb Blockers prevent the absorption of carbohydrates. Most carbohydrates can easily make you hungry and it makes you eat more. L-Carnatine is an active ingredient and it gets all the fatty acids to your muscles - breaking fats faster.

• Thyroid Regulators - Having slow metabolism can also be caused by lacking hormones that affect it. This type of fat burner produces two main substances: guggulsterone and forskolin. Along with other ingredients, this will help increase metabolism to lose more fats.

Natural Fat Burners

If ever you encounter harmful side effects or if your doctor disapproves from taking fat burning supplements, you can always resort to the natural fat burners. Fiber-rich foods are not easily digested in your body and can make you feel full longer. Bran, herbs, spices, seeds, fruits and nuts are just some of the food rich in fiber. For chocolate lovers, dark chocolate is also a good source of fiber - exempting milk chocolates, of course. Protein-rich food such as eggs can also contribute to fat burn. Eggs contain vitamin B12 that helps break fat cells. You may remove the yolk when you eat egg, but it no longer implies the elevation of cholesterol levels. Other options like tea and coconut oil also contribute in weight loss because of their dietery contents. These food products, when taken at the right amount, can serve as the best fat burners for your body. You can also combine them with your supplements to achieve that fitness goal.

If you want to lose weight, discipline and determination are the main ingredients. Even though you are taking supplements, your poor lifestyle may still prevent you from reaching your goals. Knowing the types of fat burning supplements will help you from choosing the right product. Consulting your doctor on the best fat burners is highly encouraged to make sure that it will not cause a negative impact on your body.
Learn More At http://goodweightlossprograms.com
See You There
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Denis_Elmore

How to Trim Body Fat With Good Food

Dieting is one of the most daunting tasks an overweight or obese person has to go through. While some people are on a constant diet in order to maintain a fit figure, the topic is more serious to people who have accumulated excessive fats, thus endangering their health. Too much fat in the body puts a person at risk in many serious diseases such stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, gall bladder problems, and breathing.
Health sectors all over the world are in a constant battle in campaigning the importance of dieting and nutrition which led to the introduction of various methods in order to lose weight. If you look it up on the internet, you will find yourself flooded with dieting tips, supplements, workout plans and never ending products that offer quick results.

The truth is, learning how to trim body fat is easy, and it's executing it which gives a person a hard time. Many find it hard to stay loyal and be disciplined to a specific regimen which is why many people rely on crash-diet methods so they can lose fat in a matter of days. Crash dieting can be helpful at times but it can be dangerous if continuously done.

Fat Burning Foods

Most people think that reducing the amount of food intake will help the drastically lose weight. That's true considered that less food can means less calories. But on a deeper note, it's actually the kind of food you eat that's should be more focused on. Eating high calorie foods everyday in little amounts won't help. It's still full of unhealthy fat which is dangerous.

Choosing fresh instead of processed is always best, especially to those who want to keep a healthy lifestyle instead of focusing more on being slim. Remember that being slim doesn't mean that you are healthy. You still need to eat the right kind of food to keep your energy up.

1. Dairy Products - calcium found in dairy products such as low fat cheese, milk, butter and yogurt helps in breaking down fat cells. Having this array of foods around the house will also keep you away from eating high fat content foods since milk and cheese help in suppressing hunger.

2. Apples - apples are good for the digestive tract and improves metabolism. This fruit also helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body so fats can easily break down.

3. Citrus Fruits - grapefruits, lemons, and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, galacturonic acid and pectin which help in burning the fats in the body as well as reducing the level of cholesterol to avoid heart diseases.
4. Asparagus - asparagus is a very beneficial vegetable that helps the body in absorbing water. It is also rich in vitamins which will prevent the accumulation of fat. The human body will burn fats faster if constantly fueled with water.

5. Soy Products - foods like tofu may look simple and ordinary to most people, but it actually contains phyto-nutrients which aides in the body's fat burning activity. The isoflavones found in tofu will help in breaking down fat easily.

6. Green Tea - the benefits of green tea has been long recognized. It has been used by the ancient Chinese and now, a lot of people are becoming aware of its fat burning properties. Green tea will improve metabolism and it also contains flavonoids and catechins which fight off cancer. Other than that, drinking green tea regularly also satiates hunger.

7. Acai Berries - this South American berry is labeled as a superfood. It's one of the most recent discoveries in the field of health which can contribute greatly to weight loss. Acai berries increases metabolism as well as help in the formation of lean and toned muscles. Fresh acai berries are hard to find, but you can buy frozen ones in many supermarkets and fruit retailers.

8. Chili Peppers - now this can be eaten raw if a person can handle it. Otherwise, incorporating it in other foods will make it easier for you to digest it. Chili peppers can be mixed in pretty much anything and is a good source of calorie-burning properties. There are also available chili supplements in many drugstores if you cannot take too much spicy food.

9. Complex Carbohydrates - oatmeal, cereal, granola, bagels, and whole wheat bread are some examples of complex carbo foods. These foods take much longer to be digested so you feel full for a long a time. It helps prevent you from craving desserts and candies thus helping you in controlling the amount of calories that should be taken everyday.

10. Lean Meat - lean meat is rich in protein which contributes greatly on a person's energy. Protein is also more difficult to digest than other food groups, which is why the body works harder which in turn will help in burning calories more. Fish, lean pork and chicken are foods with high protein content. If you want something with fewer calories, look for turkey meat. Turkey meat has the least number of calories than any other kind of meat.

Eating these foods will help you on your quest on how to trim body fat. The greatest challenge is controlling yourself to get rid of your old favorites and replace them with new and healthier ones, which are mentioned above. But, eating these foods without being mobile will actually result to nothing. If you really want to be healthy, you have to exercise and at least move your body. Sitting all day long won't do you good. Enroll in a workout facility so a trainer can guide you step by step. If you don't have time to spare on the gym, do some basic cardiovascular exercises like jogging, walking, or the jumping rope. Do this 3 times a week and gradually change your pace until you are able to keep up with an everyday workout.

A lot of people have been asking, how to trim body fat and constantly look for the easiest way to do it. The truth of the matter is, there is no easy way to lose weight but you can make it fun. Work hard, be disciplined and achieve your goal. Ask someone to help you and find a good regimen which you will enjoy in order to achieve your goal faster.
Stay informed, educate yourself, and take the next step towards a Happy Healthy Lifestyle. Visit us at http://ultratrimfast.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bryant_Revels

How to Start a Sugar Free Diet for Weight Loss

Sugar isn't just bad for your body; it's bad for weight loss as well.
If you are trying to slim down, the first thing you need to do is gain control of your diet.
Sugar is addictive, fattening and causes your body to store fat as well.
With all of the negatives of eating this, why not cut it out of your diet completely?
It is going to be hard at first, but it will get easier as time goes on.
There are a lot of sweet alternatives you can use and great recipes that don't use sugar either.
By exploring what is out there and starting a new diet you will be healthier, more energetic and slimmer!
Not to mention you will feel better since you won't be addicted to this sweetening agent any longer.
In order to get started with a sugar-free diet, learn the facts!
Foods you Should Avoid

There are a lot of foods you will not be able to eat when you switch to this way of life.
In the beginning you will probably suffer the most, but that is just because your body is not getting what it's addicted to.

After a few days or a week you will feel better and start to enjoy eating healthier foods.
Foods you should avoid include:

- Candy (pie, cake, cookies, etc.)
- Bread (bagels, muffins, donuts, etc.)
- Sugar
- Pasta
- Rice
- Chips
- Soda

Of course this list goes on and on since you can find sugar in pretty much everything you eat.
You will probably need to clean out your fridge, freezer and pantry in order to get a fresh start.
Always read through labels to see if there is sugar in something, don't be fooled by things that look healthy.
Even salad dressings and lunch meats have hidden sweeteners inside of them!

Foods you Should Eat

Since the foods you have to avoid are out of the way, what about the foods you can eat?
Make a shopping list so you can stock up your pantry with healthy items.

With these in your home you will be less tempted to go out and eat or order something unhealthy.
Foods you can eat include:

- Lean meats
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Milk (yogurt without sugar, sour cream, cottage cheese)
- Whole grains
- Sweet potatoes
- Green bananas
- Artificial sweeteners

There are a lot of other foods you can eat, just make sure to read labels.

If sugar is added and not natural, don't eat it. Once you start shopping for sugar-free foods you will be able to pick them out a lot more easily.

How to Survive

If you're wondering how you're going to survive on this diet, don't worry.
There are thousands of recipes online that taste great and are healthy.
Use spices, herbs and oils to flavor your foods instead of sugars.
These taste great, are low in calories and will give your food a natural flavor that can't be beat.
When you are in need of something sweet, use artificial sweeteners.
Even honey or agave nectar work extremely well for making foods taste delicious.
Tywon Mooreson runs http://www.superior-diet-systems.com/ - his mission is to inform the public of weight loss methods that really do work.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tye_Mooreson

Walking To Lose Weight: A Guide

Walking is the preferred workout for many, primarily because it can be done just about anywhere and it requires no additional equipment. In addition, people of all fitness levels are able to engage it. Because it is so "easy," however, many walkers don't realize what a great weight loss tool this form of exercise is. A thirty minute walk a day can quickly put you on the path toward meeting your weight loss goals. The following information will help you craft a walking program that will help you both feel and look better.

If you have not been active for a while, start out slow. Choose two or three days a week to walk and get out for about 15 minutes at a time. You eventually want to walk five days a week for thirty minutes a day, so gradually increase your walking time until you meet your goal. It is important not to go overboard at the beginning, however. You don't want to injure yourself; the likelihood of you remaining dedicated to your workout regimen if you do is slim to none.

As time goes by, you may find that your regular walk just isn't cutting it for you any longer. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to make your walks more intense. For instance, you could try walking faster; you will burn more calories and get your heart rate up by vigorously pumping your arms and increasing your speed. In addition, you could choose more challenging terrain or add a weighted backpack to increase resistance. Any of these methods will add a new twist to your typical walk, making it a much more intense exercise than it once was.

A lack of motivation is often cited as the reason that people give up on their exercise programs. In order to keep your mind focused on your goals, try purchasing a pedometer. This little device will show you how many steps you are taking during your walk. Challenge yourself to increase that number, even if it is only by a few steps a day. This will help you feel excited about your progress. In addition, make sure you keep a workout journal. Write down the number of steps you take during each walk so that you can see your progress. Finally, see if a friend, family member or neighbor would like to walk with you. If the two of you live far away from one another, choose a centrally located spot to exercise, like the mall or a trail. If you have someone who is depending on you to show up, you are much less likely to skip workouts.

Walking is often overlooked as a great weight loss activity. However, individuals who dedicate themselves to a walking program are often able to find success meeting their goals. In part, this is due to the fact that they don't have to leave their neighborhood in order to get a good workout each day. If you are interested in walking to lose weight, take the information from this article and use it to help yourself establish a program that works for you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Ashraf_Hanafy_Mahmoud_Mohammed

How To Naturally Speed Up Your Metabolism With Food

Without even realising it, many people are actually hindering their body's ability to burn fat effectively due to the type of foods they avoid eating when trying to lose weight.

As we age our metabolism naturally slows down due to stress, hormone changes and the loss of muscle. In general a woman who's diet never changes will put on 1.5lbs each year throughout her life. This weight gain adds up to 40lbs by the time she reaches the age of 50.

However it doesn't have to be like this because research has been carried out and proves this middle age spread and slower metabolism can be prevented with just a few simple tips that will speed up your metabolism.

The biggest tip is to ensure each meal you eat throughout the day is at least 400 calories as this amount is enough to refuel your body, and satisfy your food cravings.

1- Do not starve yourself, never allow your self feel hungry. Eating small and regular meals throughout the day will help with this, as allowing yourself become hungry causes you to overeat as you have less control over your actions when you do eventually get food.

2- Don't feel you have to avoid caffeine altogether because its bad for you, a little every now and again is good because believe it or not it will give your metabolism a kick start. Hence the reason there are so many diet pills out there with caffeine as one of its ingredients.

3- White carbohydrates are believed to be the worst thing you can eat, but in fact you can still eat them in smaller less frequent amounts. Of course choosing the wholegrain option is much better as it keep your digestive system working at its best and prevents constipation, therefore speeds up your metabolism.

4- Make sure when your drinking water that you keep a bottle handy in the fridge as drinking cold water burns more calories as the body heats it up to body temperature.

If you where to drink it at room temperature the body wouldn't have to do as much work getting it up to body temperature. Also a study has shown that if you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day it will keep your metabolism up to speed as a dehydrated body has an ineffective fat burning ability.

5- Make sure your getting enough dairy products as they are rich in calcium and vitamin D which are essential for weight loss and a speedy metabolism.

6- Don't be afraid to spice up your food, as this will give your metabolism a kick start and keeping it working fast for a few hours after eating it.

7- Finally make sure you are getting enough protein, the reason for this is because when the body burns protein off it uses more calories than it would if it where burning of fats and carbohydrates.

These are just a few basics steps to follow to ensure your metabolism is working at its best all day long.
If you would like to see more of my work you can visit: Fenburn Fat Burner or why not check out Athlete Body Comparison
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Reynolds

Benefit From Resolutions and Liposuction

After the seasonal holidays pass and the New Year approaches, many people get anxious about New Year's resolutions and how to improve their lives in the coming year.

The New Year is a time to evaluate past goals and set new goals. Everybody has something they want to improve, whether its eating healthier, being nicer to strangers, exercising more regularly, reading more books, learning to cook, or anything and everything in between. The trick about New Year's resolutions is that they are personal to you. New Year's resolutions are about you making changes in your own life. You and only you can create and aspire to achieve your improved you.If your new you conjures visions of a slimmer, sexier you that you haven't been able to achieve with diet and exercise, liposuction may just be the New Year's resolution for you.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove unwanted fat, resistant to diet and exercise, from the body. If your past New Year's resolutions have left you working out and eating celery and carrot sticks with limited results, this may be the year to give yourself the gift of liposuction.Liposuction can be used throughout the body from the chin and neck down to the abdomen, hips, thighs and calves to create a more aesthetically shape-a new you in the New Year!

Liposuction treatment is appropriate for men and women alike. Men and women both seek liposuction as they age and it becomes harder to lose weight. Liposuction is also popular among mothers who are finished having children and who want to help restore their body to pre-pregnancy shape. Child bearing undoubtedly takes a toll on a woman's body and liposuction can help reshape areas where a woman has lost confidence and wants to look sexy again. Every case is different. Liposuction is your chance to shape your body your way.

If you have thought about liposuction in the past, the New Year might be the time to pursue your dreams. Here is what you need to do. First, schedule a consultation with a reputable cosmetic surgeon to discuss your medical history and goals for surgery. Ask questions and make sure that liposuction is right for you.
For best results, be sure to follow your surgeon's pre and post-operative instructions for recovery. Finally, congratulate yourself for giving yourself the gift of the New Year's resolution that will keep on giving and inspire you to do more!

Learn more information about and Eyelid surgery Houston at: http://gohoustoncosmeticsurgery.com/Eyelid-surgery-Forehead-Lift-Houston.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carol_DesRuisseaux

Choose the Best Exercises to Lose Weight

People exercise for many reasons but one of the main reasons is to lose weight. There are so many ways to exercise its hard to know what's right for you. Any form of exercise is good however the best exercises to lose weight are the most effective exercises. To see weight loss results you need to include both cardio and strength training exercise to burn calories, burn fat, and build muscles. These exercises can be done at home or in the gym. The best workouts include these exercise that work all the major muscle groups in the body to effectively lose weight.

Walking- Walking is a great cardiovascular exercise. What's good about it? It can be done anywhere with no equipment necessary, plus everyone knows how to walk since we do it daily to move around. Include at least 30 minutes of walking in your daily exercise routine. To make it harder increase your time, speed and incline.

Interval Training- Interval training helps to rev up your workout by increasing the intensity for a set interval. By increasing the intensity of your workout your body burns more calories from fat helping to lose weight. For example, if you start walking, add in 1-2 minute intervals of jogging or running throughout your entire routine. Your overall fitness will improve, helping you to see faster weight loss results.

Squats & Lunges- Both squats and lunges work all major muscle groups in the lower body at the same time. This is a plus because you don't have to do separate exercises for the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals.
Its important to maintain good form while doing both squats and lunges to get the maximum results and to avoid the risk of injury. While doing squats keep your back straight with feet shoulder width apart. Bend at the knees while lowering your rear and keeping your knees over your ankles. With lunges keep your spine straight and your weight on your back foot. Maintain balance while lowering your back knee towards the floor without actually touching the floor.

Abdominal Crunches- Abdominal crunches help to strengthen the core muscles. It's important to contract your abdominal muscles while pressing your back into the floor, and raising your neck, shoulders, and upper back off the floor. To help avoid arching your back raise your feet off the floor, which engages your hip flexors.

Pushups- Push-ups are a great strengthening exercise for the entire upper body. Pushups strengthen the chest, shoulders, triceps and core muscles. Remember to keep your body in a straight line from your shoulders all the way down to your feet. Keep your abdominals and glutes engaged as you lower your body down and bring it backup. For beginners, you can start with your knees on the floor. To make pushups more difficult put your feet on a stair or bench.

Bent Over Rows- Bent over rows work the opposite muscle group than pushups, the upper back and biceps. Keep your knees bent, flex forward at the hips engaging your abdominals and extend your spine. For beginners perform bent over rows without weights.

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! http://www.universalhealthinfo.com/Basic_Types_of_Exercise.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Labdar

Tips on Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Since pregnancy is a life changing experience that affects both the emotional and physical health of the new mom, one needs to know how to successfully adapt to the transformations into her lifestyle and levels of maturity. By the end of your labor, you might be surprised to realize that you have actually added tons of pounds and folds of excess fats. This will bring significant changes to your figure and physical body and hence the need to lose some weight after pregnancy. Here are some easy to follow tips and simple pointers on how to lose baby weight.

Most women scour the Internet daily, read widely, and consult almost everyone in their lives on ways of losing weight after pregnancy, but the sad fact is that most of them end up with unworkable weight loss routines. Firstly, it is imperative to point out that you will certainly shed off some pounds after delivery naturally, through breastfeeding; unfortunately, it is a slow, tedious process. This may take several weeks and months before you can actually trim excess fats and go back to your original figure. And what's worse, your body may not be able to go back to its pre-pregnancy contour if you do not put in some extra effort on your endeavor.

It does not take those Hollywood celebrities some rocket science of sorts to achieve pregnancy weight loss.
The secret to weight loss after pregnancy is hard work. You ought to be a hard worker to be able to go back to your pre-pregnancy shape. Hardworking also means that you have to be strict to your exercising routine or program and keep maintaining a healthy and balanced diet at all times in order to achieve the much desired health improvement. Remember, at this stage you will not be eating for two as you may have been used to doing during your pregnancy, but eating healthy.

Moreover, it is advisable to breastfeed your new-born if you intend to lose baby weight that you might have gained because breastfeeding helps release lots of body fats from the body. Breast milk production involves burning of fats and calories by consuming the extra fats gained due to increased appetite. In fact, breastfeeding can help a new mother lose baby weight by burning about 200 to 500 calories a day. Doing regular exercises is very vital in not only helping in slimming or trimming off some extra body fats but also in reducing postpartum depression. Although exercising will always be any slimming program regardless of whether it is meant for a new mom or not, one has to seek some professional input from a physician especially if she underwent a C-section.

Besides adapting a healthy balanced diet so as to help in cutting off some weight after pregnancy, eating lots of vegetables and fruits will help produce that much needed healthy breast milk that your infant needs. Apart from that, adapting a healthy lifestyle is in itself setting a good example for your family in future. Contrary to common belief, starving yourself or cutting down on the amount of food you eat all over a sudden will not help in achieving pregnancy weight loss but instead contribute towards unwanted muscle building.
Cristina Palmer is the author of this article on lose baby weight. Find more information, about pregnancy weight loss here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cristina_Palmer

4 Exercises That Build a Rock Solid Body

I'm a minimalist kinda guy. I don't like using a ton of exercises in my workouts. The more exercises one has to do, the more time is spent in the gym. I like my workouts short and sweet!

This is why I narrowed down to 4 incredible exercises you will need to build a rock solid body. Keep in mind, however, that these are dumbbell-only movements:

#1 - Dumbbell Floor Press

I like the floor press over the bench press because it's harder. You get more tricep activation, and need to use raw strength to get the weight up. They emphasize the lockout portion of the bench press, so the movement will help you with your bench press as well.

To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent. Grab the dumbbells, and position them so that your elbows are perpendicular to the floor, and dumbbells are in line with your shoulders.

From this position, press the dumbbells out over your body until the dumbbells are almost touching.
Pause briefly and return to starting position.

Make sure to keep your core tight during the entire movement.

#2 - Suitcase Deep Squat

The term suitcase refers to holding the dumbbells out to your sides as if you were holding a suitcase. To perform this movement:

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, and dumbbells out to your sides. Keep your head and chest up, and eyes forward.

Push your hips back, just like you would do in a regular squat. Keep your core tight as you bend your knees and go down as low as you can.

Keep the weight on your heels as you go down. Pause, then reverse position. This is one repetitions.

#3 - Dumbbell Military Press

The military press is the ultimate measure of upper body strength. It is also a great shoulder and arm builder. To perform the movement:

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bring the dumbbells to shoulder level, with palms facing away from you.

Tighten your core, and maintain a natural back arch as you press the dumbbells over your head with strict form.

Keep pressing until Dumbbells are almost touching. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows.
Pause, then return to starting position.

#4 - Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift

Performing deadlifts with dumbbells is often too easy. However, with this variation, you'll adequately target your hamstrings and lower back without requiring super heavy dumbbells:

Stand with a wide stance over two dumbbells facing each other. Sit back with your back straight, and reach between your legs.

Keep your core tight, and look in front of your body. Bend at the knees as you grab the dumbbells.
Reverse position, and lift them off the floor. Continue to stand straight up. Bring the dumbbells slightly in front of your body to prevent them from hitting your body.

Pause at the top position, then bring the dumbbells back towards the floor. Make sure you do not swing, or else this will turn into more of a dumbbell swing then a dumbbell deadlift.
If you're looking for a solid workout that uses only dumbbell exercises, and can be done at home, then check out the Superior Dumbbell Workout. Click here for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Parth_Shah

Weight Loss Secrets: Diet, Nutrition, and Healthy Living

Weight loss secrets that consist of nutrition and diet product has helped many people nurture a healthier and better lifestyle by supplying essential minerals and vitamins in the diet. Nutrition and diet is substantial for everyone, especially for runners, or for those who work hard. If you're on a diet, or you're sick, or you regularly eat fast food, you have to really pay attention to what you and your family get from the food, whether it meets the standard diet and proper nutrition for your body or not.

Nutritious diet is important for everyone because these foods provide the nutrients the body needs to stay healthy, grow, and work well. In 2005, the dietary guidelines for US citizens, introduced something called "nutrient density," a term that sounds complex but simply refers to how many nutrients are contained by a food. Nutrient density is absolutely important, especially when nutrition and health has become primary consideration.

Experts believe that the nutrients can help avoid heart attack, fight some cancers, and even slow the aging process in particular ways. And if you're like most of us, did not get enough to eat unhealthy foods, you may be trying to trick your body by providing nutritional supplements to make up for the guilt of not paying attention to your diet.

Even the best weight loss secrets will give better results when coupled with regular exercise and proper nutrition, because when people consume a healthy diet and do some exercise, they will feel better, have so more energy and more immune to health issues. Health and nutrition products can help to ensure the proper level of nutrition to be given to your body so that your body remains healthy.

Nutritious snacks can be very important to your overall health and nutrition. When you eat snack, you can fill in nutritional gaps, if you increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. This will help you keep your mood stable, and helps suppress appetite and control weight. However, too much snacking can also be a bad thing as well, and can definitely contribute to adding some excess weight to your body. If you're searching for a major culprit in US's obesity epidemic, the majority of nutritionists will tell you to stick a poster on a wall: a picture of glass of cold, bubbly soda pop.

Good nutrition is one way to improve the body for health. As you can see, the habits of good nutritional and adequate caloric intake are very important. However, it is expected to also keep the intake at least some dairy products because they represent a lot of good sources of nutrients, such as calcium and protein. And good nutrition is synonymous with good health.

In the end, it all comes back to each of us to learn all that we can learn about these weight loss secrets, and then apply that knowledge for the good of our lives. Nutrition puts us on the path to good health, and good health is something we all want to live and be happy.
For a more detailed information, diet, nutrition, and healthy living plans, motivation and specific weight loss secrets, please visit http://www.weightlosssecrets90.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dimaz_Herkamoyo

Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

The short term benefits are what many people are most familiar with when they think of weight loss surgeries. These include the immediate drop in weight and the overall improvement of the general health of the patient. What some may not be aware of is that these health benefits are often reported for years after the surgery has taken place. In many patients who have their six-year follow up visit, the majority of them has lost at least 20 percent of their pre-surgery weight and has successfully kept it off. In addition to keeping the weight off, they also show drastic improvements in their blood pressure levels as well as their diabetes.

Bariatric surgery is most commonly suggested for patients who have a body mass index of at least 40. The number drops down to 35 if they are experiencing health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
In addition to the patient's body mass index, they must also present with other weight related health problems to be considered for this type of procedure. There is also an additional list of criteria that potential patients must meet before they are referred to a surgeon to discuss the different types of bariatric surgeries they may choose from. The most common of these surgeries is the gastric bypass. This surgery involves a surgeon shrinking the patient's stomach my making the upper portion of the stomach approximately the size of a walnut and then connecting that area directly to the small intestine.

Some of the most common weight related health problems that can be alleviated by undergoing bariatric surgery include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, infertility and respiratory insufficiency. Each of these health problems can be dangerous enough on their own, but when a patient exhibits multiples of these health problems they are in dire need off making lifestyle changes. Bariatric surgery can help reduce the patient's existing high blood pressure and diabetes. It can also help improve the other conditions as well; this is why so many patients may choose to have bariatric surgery.

As with any type of surgical procedure there are always risks involved. If you are concerned about the risks associated with bariatric surgery, you should consult with your primary caregiver or the surgeon that you may have been referred to. They will answer any questions that you may have about the different types of procedures and the risks that are associated with each.

Nina Mehrabani is a Health care Coordinator for One Stop Med Center located in sunny Mexico where high quality care and affordable cosmetic surgery is their priority. To learn more on this topic and other various cosmetic surgery procedures, please visit One Stop Med Center.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nina_Mehrabani

How to Encourage a Loved One to Lose Weight

When a loved one is struggling with weight, you want to help, but sometimes you don't know how. Simply telling people they need to work out more will not work, but there are some things you can do to encourage your loved one to get off the couch and start moving. Why not include yourself in the entire process as a motivator and cheerleader? Everyone can use a little good health in their life!

Be Supportive!

Let's face it: placing pamphlets around the house which discuss weight loss and the tragic consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle are not going to motivate your loved one to start working out and eating right. Often, this type of approach can be very discouraging, and your loved one may go on the defensive, making it virtually impossible to get them to see that it's in their best interest. Instead, be supportive. Invite your loved one for a nice walk in the cool air, or ask them to play a round of golf. Encourage them to join you in activities that will get their blood pumping, and when the endorphins kick in, they'll start feeling better. It is then when they will start coming around to exercise.

It is also important that you do not criticize your loved one too much during the process. In the beginning, there may be a number of slip-ups and missing work outs, as people fight with the idea of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Changing your entire life around is not an easy task and not something that can be handled in one day. Your loved ones, and even yourself, may find that they are resistant to change, so instead of criticizing them, empathize with your loved ones and help them get back on the wagon. We all have bad days, after all.

Try New Recipes

Present your loved ones with new low calorie dishes for lunch and dinner, without telling them it's healthy and good for them. If you can introduce new foods and healthier recipes to them without their knowledge, you may be to get them to eat healthier without hesitation. It doesn't have to be every meal, or entire meals, but instead just offer side dishes and snacks in the beginning. This is a great way to get those finicky eaters to try new foods without the mindset that it's healthy. Slowly replacing bad foods with healthier alternatives can help your loved ones transition from junk food to good food, losing weight in the process.

You and your loved one may find that diet and exercise alone are not helping you reach that weight loss goal, but the addition of a natural weight loss supplement may help kick start your weight loss program and give you the encouragement you need to continue moving forward. While it is best to have a healthy balanced diet and a good exercise program, it may not always work 100% of the time. This is where a natural weight loss supplement may be able to help.

M. Dwyer is the founder of Healthe Trim, a natural weight loss supplement clinically shown to promote weight loss. Healthe Trim combines natural ingredients such as Hoodia gordonii and green tea leaf extract in order to reduce food cravings and boost energy naturally. Learn more about Healthe Trim's natural weight loss supplement at http://www.healthytrim.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M._Dwyer

Finding Effective Weight Loss Systems

Are you having some weight issues lately? Do you consider cutting off some unwanted pounds, but don't know where to start? Considering the fact that there are a lot of exercise programs and diet plans existing today, which one of these plans should you follow? It should be fitting that we discuss the proper ways of finding effective weight loss systems and easily have that sexy body that you want to have.

Is There A Secret Formula In Losing Weight:

Most of us would ask this question, "Is there a secret formula in losing weight?" How come there are some individuals, particularly celebrities that can easily transform their bodies as if the process of losing weight were done effortlessly? Is it because they pay more that's why they were able to achieve weight loss in a faster way? Having to pay more doesn't always guarantee in shedding off pounds. It's all in the matter of choosing a program that would ultimately work to your advantage. Whether it would a form of a physical exercise or a dietary plan that you should follow, always go for the one that will give the optimal results to help you get in shape.

Tips In Finding The Right Weight Loss System For You:

If you really want to get rid of all these shameful fat deposits around your body, now's the time do something about it. Here are some tips in finding effective weight loss systems for you:

1. Prepare yourself - the first step in finding effective weight loss systems is to prepare yourself physically and mentally. Always put in mind that you are about to enter a sort of lifestyle change for the better and it does need a bit of dedication and hard work on your part. Not being able to prepare means that you have already failed yourself in your attempt to lose weight.

2. Do away with the extremes, unless you can really bear up with it - have you heard of the Paleo diet? How about the vegan diet? Or are you up to the 30 day challenge in losing weight? Try to asses yourself if you can really put up with the principles of the program you wish to follow. Set up realistic goals and do overdo your body otherwise you're just doing it all wrong. That's where most people get frustrated because they are already thinking if doing impossible feats in the quest for cutting off weight.

3. Choose a program that has been proven to work - try to do research about the exercise or diet program you are interested to do and evaluate the feasibility of the program if this will be suitable for you. As much as possible, choose a program that is already well established in the field of weight loss.

4. Be practical - finding effective weight loss systems means that it should also be practical to your everyday living. Ask yourself if you can sincerely follow the program and devote a specific time in the duration of the day. Will you be able to sustain yourself in coping up with the program? Will you be able to like doing it?
These are some questions you might need to ponder or doing it might just end with nothing.

5. Seek some advice - it is always recommended to seek the advice of the professionals. Physicians, nutritionist, and dieticians can easily determine which diet plan will work for you while professional trainers can suggest effective exercise methods that is appropriate for your body built.

In conclusion, there's really no secret formula to in choosing the right program to help you in your weight loss efforts. Just follow the tips in finding effective weight loss systems stated above and surely enough you can enjoy being healthy and have that sexy body sooner that you think.
For more informative articles on dieting and weight loss please visit Weight Loss Systems
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Menden

Magnesium for Weight Loss

Magnesium is an essential mineral which keeps your bones strong, helps keep your heart healthy and can assist in the prevention of common ailments such as constipation, kidney stones, gall stones and osteoporosis. What is not so well known about the mineral is that it can be used as a tool to control weight gain.

It allows insulin to usher glucose into the cells which is important because glucose is involved in making energy for the body. If the body does not contain a sufficient amount of magnesium, it may cause both the insulin and glucose levels to become elevated. The body then stores this excess glucose as fat which can lead to weight gain. Elevated insulin levels can also lead to more series conditions such as diabetes.

Magnesium is also known to effectively control the link between obesity and stress. Stress causes the cortisol chemical to signal a metabolic shut down in the body and this can make achieving weight loss to become extremely difficult. When magnesium is consumed on a regular basis, it is known to neutralize the effects of stress. Overeating and food cravings can often be linked to your body actually craving nutrients instead. If your diet is not particularly nutrient-rich, you will most likely feel hungry again quickly, because your body has not had a satisfactory level of nutrients. You then continue to eat foods with empty calories, which pack on the pounds but go no further to consuming the nutrients that the body needs.

According to the WebMD website, the recommended daily amount for women who are 31 years or over is 320 mg. The dosages vary for pregnant and breastfeeding however. The dosage for men who are 31 years or older is 420 mg.

Abdominal obesity is also linked to a magnesium deficiency and an inability to properly use insulin within the body. According to the book The Magnesium Factor written by Mildred Seelig, M.D and Andrea Rosanoff, Ph.D, as the body produces more and more insulin to cope with a high-sugar diet, your waistline increases to process extra insulin, with over half of the insulin in the bloodstream being directed at the abdominal tissue.

Here are some foods which contain magnesium

• Spinach
• Banana
• Raw Broccoli
• Tofu
• Halibut
• Nuts - peanuts, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, pine nuts
• Beans - kidney, black, lima, navy, pinto and white
• Scallops
• Seeds, pumpkin and butternut squash
• Soy Milk
• Oysters
• Wholegrain Cereal
• Whole wheat bread
• Dried Coconut
• Wholegrain Barley
• Oat Bran
• Brown Rice
• Artichoke
• Lentils
• Frozen Peas
• Parsnips
• Frozen Okra
• Kiwi
• Seaweed
• Shredded Wheat

In order to achieve the right amount you need to have a diet which is rich in the mineral or take a good quality magnesium supplement.

Are you interested in long-term weight loss? Click here now for your free reports, recipes, videos and bonus materials!! Click Here Now: http://www.flatbellynow.org

Nadine 'Diet Coach' Douglas lost over 25 pounds after being overweight most of her adult life. She now runs a successful weight loss website which gives information about great resources which can help you lose weight and be healthy for long term success.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nadine_A_Douglas

Does Running Burn Belly Fat? Everything You Should Know

There is one part of the body where people typically want to shed excessive fat, it is in their tummy.

Belly fat makes your body look fat, additionally, you are unable to fit into some clothes; this unpleasant and embarrassing experience frustrates you. As a result, you begin running and wish you could shed the annoying fat. Does running burn your belly fat? The brief answer is YES. However, if we look at the other aspects, is running the best means to burn belly fat, the answer to this question is not as satisfying.

Is running a good way to burn belly fat?

In fact, there are many methods an individual can choose from to lose belly fat. However, most people expect to have a quick result to fat loss. This conventional and monotonous running might give you a disappointing result and sooner or later, you get bored with it and quit running entirely. Is there a more effective exercise to lose the unwanted fat within a shorter period of time?

A selective option - circuit training

Well, the answer is positive - circuit training is one option which you can select. I'm sure you are aware of it and have seen some people doing it. Circuit training is a kind of workout which integrates resistance exercise with aerobics. It gives you both muscle structure and cardio at the same time. With this training, you can cut down your training time by half. In addition, you are not required to do the workout as frequently; you can do the muscle structure one day and the cardio the following day. Although you only do the work-out a couple of days a week, you still obtain the same exceptional outcome. The other benefit of circuit training is that you are not required to purchase any equipment.

However, this exercise still has its drawbacks. It only considers physical exercise and neglects the diet aspect that must go along with exercise. And if you quit, the fat will come back again.

Is there a comprehensive method that speeds up burning belly fat?

Is there any comprehensive method which you can take to resolve your matter - fat loss, and still eat your favourite foods?

There is an idiom - kill two birds with one stone. Are you aware of the Fat Loss Factor program designed by Dr. Charles Livingston, a well- known senior nutritionist and fitness expert? This is a software based program; it assists you to build healthy eating habits. In the meantime, the program provides a list of workouts to shed excessive fat and stay fit.

Which option you will choose? It is really a matter of personal choice. No matter which program is selected, either the circuit training or the Fat Loss Factor program, your goal is to shed fat and stay fit and healthy.

The goals - shed excessive fat and stay fit

Let us go back this topic - does running burn belly fat? According to some medical research, running is not the best exercise to burn fat. This method doesn't guarantee trainees lose belly fat. If you expect a flat belly, you need to lose excessive fat over the entire body, such as from the legs, back, arms and so on. Running only considers the exercise side but neglects daily food consumption. Losing fat and staying fit requires a well-balanced, low-calorie diet, and your genetic code will determine which parts of your body lose fat first. Therefore, if you expect a satisfying outcome, you need to consult your nutritionist as well as your personal training coach to get more relevant advice. Rushing into a method without thorough consideration and research will not guarantee that you reach your expectations. There are many programs on the market; you certainly will find the right one for yourself.

As previously mentioned, some programs online do not take too much time and the outcome is inspiring. This entire program is scientifically arranged, you can give it serious consideration.

Is the explanation clear enough to assist you in selecting an efficient program? Hopefully sooner or later you will not be frustrated by your pop-out tummy anymore and gain your desired body shape.
If you want to learn more visit Fat Loss Factor Review where you will get the most useful advice on weight loss. Be sure to visit www.thefatlossfactorreviewscam.com today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bao_Cai_Li

Improve Your Posture and Improve Your Health

Many people who are over weight are unaware of the damage that they are causing to their bodies. It is well publicized that excess weight can affect conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. If not treated, these illnesses on their own, might become life threatening.

However, when your weight increases, a high percentage of this weight is usually deposited around your midriff. This, over time, has an effect on your stance and also affects your ability to carry out the simplest of tasks. Furthermore, this has a drastic result on your overall posture and will often cause back, knee and ankle complaints. Back pain can become restricting and even with the best pain killers in the world, the problem will only get worse. Similarly, as your stomach enlarges, the tendency to lean back becomes greater and the bigger your stomach is, then the more back pain you are likely to endure. This is why embarking on a weight loss program is essential; failure to do this will ensure that any back pain will only get worse.

With any weight loss program comes a certain amount of exercise and along with a healthy diet, your waistline can be reduced. Most exercises that help to reduce your waist can also help to strengthen your back thus helping to reduce the pain and very often stop it all together.

Improving posture has even more advantages; simply by standing and sitting in a correct manner it allows the organs of the body to function properly. Organs expand and contract when blood flows through them and improper posture can have an adverse effect on this movement.

Weight loss tips that are adhered to can improve your body beyond recognition. If you are over weight you could be an accident waiting to happen if you do not take control of your body. The "it will never happen to me" mindset can only ensure that it definitely will and, consequently, the spell in intensive care might not be too far away.

There is only one answer and that is to invest in a weight loss program, study it and stick to it. If you value your life and your body and care about those close to you, then this is the only alternative available to you: there is no easy way out. Get out of your comfort zone show your body that you have been blessed with, the respect that it deserves.
To find out more information and how you can reduce your weight without the stress which accompanies many weight loss plans and also has an adverse affect on your health, visit http://www.dietfreely.weebly.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_R_Charles

Water Cleanse-Can Be Dangerous

There are many types of cleanses that you can quickly and easily preform in your own home. One of these options is a Water Cleanse. One thing that you must be aware of is this: this type of cleanse can be very dangerous! Always consult your doctor for the best way to go about doing it before you start!

Many people don't think that there is such a thing as drinking too much water, but they are wrong. It is possible to drink too much water and it can even result in death if you do drink too much. For that reason you have to talk to your doctor for their recommendation as to how much is too much for you.

Also, remember that the amounts of water listed in this article are only general amounts, they may not be right for you. Again, discuss the specifics with your doctor first!

A Water Cleanse is a pretty straight forward and easy cleanse to do, there aren't really a lot of steps. Here is a breakdown of the basics:

1. First of all, most people will drink about 4 to 6 liters daily. For most people, this would be about two times more water than they would take in daily, and obviously, this intake does not take into consideration the water that you get in your foods, for example.

By drinking so much water you are making it easier for your body to filter out unwanted toxins and flush them out.

2. During this type of cleanse you do not stop eating solid food (this is one marked difference between this type of cleanse and other types of cleanses). You may not eat as much as you would normally, in part because you will feel full after drinking all that water.

It's usually best to eat a lot of green vegetables and fiber. This  will help your body remove unwanted toxins more effectively.

3. Most people should perform this cleanse for no more than 4 days. Most people find a time of 3 to 4 days is ideal. If you want to repeat the cleanse don't do it more than twice a month.

Remember, though, that drinking this much water can present it's own set of challenges and can potentially even be dangerous. I can't stress enough the importance of seeing your doctor and discussing this course of action with her before you actually start!

No matter how "clean" you live and eat you will still come into contact with toxins in your life. These toxins will continue to build up in your system if you don't purge them.

Toxic buildup can lead to a myriad of health problems over time. Better to keep your body free and clear of toxins.

Using a Water Cleanse might be a great way to rid your body of excess toxins. Though not without it's own challenges and risks, this type of cleanse can be one of the easiest you will find online. It's inexpensive too!
for more information visite my website http://weightlossbasics10.blogspot.com/

Walking For Weight Loss

Doesn't it seem like every day brings us another fad diet or other so-called "weight loss miracle"? Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of these plans really do work, but that's not the problem. The problem is that there are just so many that it makes it hard for the average person to figure out which ones work and which ones they should pass on. But there is one method that is ideal...walking for weight loss. Let's take a look at why it is such a good option for shedding those extra pounds.

Before we get to why it's so good, it's important to understand a bit about how losing weight works. It all comes down to a simple equation: 3,500 calories is equal to one pound of body weight. So, if you take in an extra 3,500 calories compared to what you burn off, then you will gain a pound. If you get rid of 3,500 calories, you will lose a pound. There are a few exceptions to this because some calories are more easily stored, and not all exercise is the same. Regardless, physical activity is an important part of any weight loss plan.

Almost everybody can go for a walk. Even those who may be missing a leg are usually able to walk. What's the best way of walking for weight loss? The answer is as simple as can be. All you need to do is put one foot in front of the other, then repeat the process for as many times as you wish.

Another benefit of walking for weight loss is that you need any special equipment, except for a comfortable pair of shoes. There's no need to buy any special clothes, and you don't have to join a gym or pay a personal trainer, either.

Walking is a low-impact way to burn calories. In theory, you could walk for hours at a time, though that wouldn't be practical. Still, if you have been inactive until now, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor about your plans. They will be aware of any underlying medical concerns, and can let you know if there are any precautions you need to take.

Exercise burns calories, but it has another benefit for weight loss and that is boosting your metabolism. You will get a little extra help burning calories for a few hours after you have stopped walking. Of course, the more brisk you walk, the more calories you will burn. But any walking is better than none at all.

Finally, people are built to walk. We're bipedal; it's in our DNA. It only makes sense that one of the best things you can do for your health is to use the body in a way it was designed for. But...none of this matter if you don't take action. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start walking for weight loss.
for more information visite my website http://weightlossbasics10.blogspot.com/

Weight Loss Exercise Program - Dont Shortchange Yourself

When it comes to finding the right weight loss exercise program many people make one huge mistake. They think solely in terms of doing cardiovascular exercises and either don't do enough weight training, or worse, don't do any weight training at all.

Some people mistakenly think that they want to burn the fat and the only way to do that is to do tons of cardio. And of course, you do need a full cardio workout in your overall exercise plan, but if you neglect the weight training aspect of your workouts you will really be shortchanging yourself and your overall fitness goals.

A lot of women also make the mistake of thinking that they can only lift very light weights and / or only do a few repetitions of each exercise or they will get bulky. They are so afraid of getting big that they neglect this extremely important aspect of working out.

Let's set the record straight, while it's true that women have both estrogen and testosterone in their bodies naturally, the levels of testosterone are only about one seventh of what men have. For a woman to "accidentally" get bulky just by lifting weights would be impossible. The women body builders you see don't get that way on accident, they work hard at it and treat is like what it is... a full time job.

So, make sure you lift weights as part of your routine. The more lean muscle mass you have the more calories your body will burn all day every day, no matter what you are doing. That is a great side effect. Having nice muscle tone will also make you look trimmer and slimmer, no matter what your weight is.

So you will look thinner at 125 lbs if you have a lot of toned muscle than you would if you didn't have good muscle tone. When first starting out (after you get your doctors ok) find someone to teach you how to use the proper form, then start with a weight that makes it challenging to finish a full set, one set is between 8 - 12  individual repetitions of the exercise.

The general rule of thumb is that you should be able to finish the set, but just barely. That is how you know that you are using the proper amount of weight. Once you can easily do all reps of one exercise at a certain weight, move up to a higher weight. At first you may not be able to do a whole set at the higher weight, that's ok. Just do what you can and build on that.

Make each repetition slow and controlled and don't forget to use proper breathing techniques. If you have never done this before you really should  have someone show you the proper techniques in order to avoid injuries.

To get the most out of all your weight loss exercise plans, make sure that you eat right, get plenty of water and rest and incorporate a full weight training routine. You won't get bulky but you will burn more calories and that may just make you hot.
for more information visit my website http://weightlossbasics10.blogspot.com/

Why Did I Stop Losing Weight - Change Lifestyle Habits

Nothing is worse than getting off to a fast start with your weight loss and lose weight almost effortlessly only to find that after a short time you just aren't losing as much weight as you were. When that happens  you may start wondering: why did I stop losing weight? Despite what you might hear every time you turn on the t.v., in order to lose weight you will need to be willing to change some habits in your life.  It's these habits that have made it easy for you to gain the weight in the first place and until you make permanent changes to your lifestyle your weight loss won't stay on track. 

It's not uncommon to lose a lot of weight very early in your weight loss and then to reach a plateau when it just seems like you can't lose another pound to save your life.  This often happens because the weight you lose in the very beginning is just water weight and after a time that weight loss will start to slack off.  The good news is that you may still be losing unwanted fat, but this won't come off as quickly so it may take longer to notice it, the nice thing about this is that losing fat is the only real way to get your body in the shape you want it to be in.  Losing water weight is only temporary but losing fat can be permanent.

If you've been trying to rely solely on a supplement for your weight loss up until now, you may need to reevaluate your weight loss strategy.  For example, it's imperative that you focus on eating properly and getting enough exercise.  Don't make the mistake of thinking that you shouldn't be eating hardly anything if you want to lose weight.  If you don't eat enough food to keep your body healthy and functioning properly your body will think it's starving and will actually slow down your metabolism... which is the last thing that you want to happen when you're trying to lose weight.

Also don't get distracted with some extreme dieting method such as a restricted carb or extremely low fat diet plan.  You need to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs and that includes some carbs, fats, and proteins.

When it comes to your workout plan don't spend all your time on a treadmill thinking that cardio will get you where you want to be.  Ideally you'll want to keep your body 'guessing' when it comes to your workouts.  Your body will get used to whatever activity level you maintain over a period of time. To get the maximum benefit form your workouts, make sure that you change your workouts frequently so your body doesn't settle into a set routine.

To keep your weight loss moving along nicely make sure that you concentrate more on what you eat and how much activity you get and don't expect to maintain such a vigorous weight loss during the whole process.  Using these methods you can avoid having to ever ask the question: why did I stop losing weight?

for more information vaisit my sitweb http://weightlossbasics10.blogspot.com/

A Proven Weight Loss Strategy-Its Really All Up To You

A Proven Weight Loss Strategy-Its Really All Up To You

The idea losing weight fast is an attractive one. However, you may be wondering if it's really possible, and if so, is it something that you can do. What you need is a proven weight loss strategy because shedding extra pounds is nearly impossible if you try to stumble your way through it. Chances are that you have struggled with being overweight for a number of years, and you have probably developed some habits that contribute to your problem. Whatever the cause of your weight problem is, having an effective strategy that you can plug into any weight loss plan is the key to solving it.

1. Fun - Well, that's an odd thing for a strategy, isn't it? At first glance that may seem to be the case, but you may as well have fun while you are working so hard to improve your health. Work and fun are not opposites, so go ahead and eat fun food and do fun things to burn calories. Smile! Remember, losing weight is rewarding, not depressing drudgery. After you start losing some weight, you will see how much better you feel when you make fun a part of your strategy.

2. Attitude - No matter how much weight you have to lose, no matter how many diets you have tried in the past, you can lose weight! Not only is it possible, but it is very likely now that you are arming yourself with a proven weight loss strategy. There is one guaranteed way to not lose weight and that is believing that you can't. You will be much further ahead in the game by believing that you really can lose weight. You also need to have an attitude of doing whatever it takes to lose weight. There will obstacles and temptations along the way, but having the right attitude will get you past them.

3. Resources - No man or woman is an island, and trying to lose weight all by yourself is an exercise in futility. Sure, you could simply eat less and exercise more on your own, but having a plan will give you a framework on which to build your weight loss. Resources can also include weight loss guides, scales, calorie counters, gym memberships, a sympathetic friend to talk to, and so on. The more resources you have and make use of, the more likely you are to succeed.

4. Time - How long did it take you to weigh as much as you do now? If you are several pounds overweight, then it's a safe bet that you did not balloon up overnight, or even in a few months for that matter. Therefore, it's going to take some time to take that weight off. However, if you follow a good plan combined with a proven weight loss strategy, then you should be able to lose weight faster than you put it on.

5. Success! - It isn't always easy to lose weight, but it is possible. Be sure to celebrate the small successes along the way, as well as reaching your ultimate goal.
