
Worst Diet Foods That End In Weight Gain

Dieting marks the start of a weight loss process that is extensively practiced in various forms by people of both genders all over the world. There are many food items, which will help to kick start dieting and weight loss. However, not all such foods are diet friendly.

It is really a shame that some of the best thought-out diet foods are really the worst for your weight management. Here are the dieting secrets every dieter should know that would help them to avoid the worst foods when you are on the track of losing weight and getting fit.

Snack Yogurt:

The plain yogurt, which you get from your mart, is usually laden with 16 grams of sugar per cup. If you take the flavored yogurt snack, you are in for another 15 or more gram of sugar. As a better option, try to take the sugar free Greek yogurt, which is much lower in sugar than regular plain yogurt and often has double the protein content.

Sugar-Free Foods:

Often people think that taking the sugar free cookies and candies while dieting will not affect their goals. Try not to fall to the sugar-free scam, especially for such confectioneries which are full of chocolate-chips and crunches. They normally come with some sugar substitutes and may end in weight gain.

If you see any sugar-free chocolate-chip cookies, beware, as they may contain 160 calories and 9 grams of fat, so why not eat the real thing?

Low Fat/Fat Free Diets:

Although excess of fat is harmful for your health, but the elimination of fat completely from your diet may be harmful. It will result in the loss of essential nutrients.

Low amounts of fats if actually necessary for the body to maintain proper lubrication and help the skin smooth and fresh. Besides, many of the low fat foods are actually high in calories and are bound to offer weight gain.

Dieting Pills:

Many of the weight loss diets ask you to take on the dietary pills that will augment the weight loss process. Conversely, diet pills are strong drugs, which have potential side effects.

Often the diet pills that inhibit the absorption of fats can result in the deficiency of vitamins A, D, E, K, and Beta-carotenes. Avoidance of such pills is the best way to keep away from the bodily harms.


The foods that you think are likely to hinder weight gain and offer you nourishment along the way are high in unhealthy saturated fats and lack the nutritional value. Instead of resorting to diet foods, choose a healthy and balanced meal plans that will help you on long-term basis.
weight loss diets
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_M_Simpson

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