
Basics of Nutrition for Gym-Goers

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of changing your body. If you don't give your body what it wants to change, it simply won't. For example, if you want to gain muscle but aren't eating enough calories, your body will (metaphorically of course) think, "There's no way I'm building muscle, I know this guy/girl is exercising but I'm thinking about survival here, we can't afford to spend calories on muscle building?! We have to use them for breathing and living for God's sake!" A simplified fun little example but you get the idea. If you want to change, you have to give your body the building blocks to do it, simple as.

So let's meet the building blocks! We'll start in this article with the important heavy hitters...


Although I will probably receive more than one angry email at this, I'm going to say the famous line... I believe that A CALORIE IS A CALORIE. What does that even mean..? Good question, it's the theory that your body doesn't care where you get your food from or what it is, all that matters is your calories taken in. If you eat more then your body needs, you'll gain weight (fat or muscle mass), if you eat less you'll lose weight (again, can be fat or muscle) and if you break even you'll maintain weight. Now of course they're are slight variances, our bodies don't pay attention to numbers very closely! Do feel free to do your own research on this, going into the science of it is out of the scope of this article, but through personal experience, articles online and scientific literature (I am citing "The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition" by Anita Bean here, among others, I'd highly recommend it!) I have decided that a calorie is indeed a calorie. This means that whether you slurp on Coke and eat donuts all day, or eat brown grains and chicken with greens, it doesn't matter. All that matters is the calories you've had that day when you hit the pillow. This is NOT an endorsement for unhealthy eating! Diets like that have enough negative effects to impact training and general health, but strictly in terms of body composition a calorie is a calorie. You can adjust what your body does slightly by altering your macronutrients (see below), but the rule is fairly solid. If there is sufficient demand I will go into further detail on this point in another, more specific article
Below are the macronutrients (alcohol is the fourth however for this article i believe it is not needed)


These guys are likely your most common food source in daily life. Bread, Coke, rice, pasta, all mainly made up of carbohydrates. Your body likes to use these for energy as they are conveniently digested. Technically, your body doesn't actually need them, it can make them from protein and fats through a process called gluconeogenesis, but for many reasons you should be eating adequate carbohydrates. The main reason is glycogen storage, glycogen is a carbohydrate that your body stores for use during physical exertion. It's made up of digested carbohydrates (glucose), although can be filled up by using glucose made from fats and protein. However, for the physically active person (particularly those who weight train) carbohydrates are the only way to ensure topped up glycogen stores. Don't be afraid of the "evil" carb, make them your friend by not splurging out on them so much that you go over your calorie limit, and they will reward you with boundless energy for exercise!


Ahh protein, the glorified nutrient. It has reason to be as well, it 's used to build and repair muscle, blood, skin and other tissues throughout the body, and it's important to note that it's important in every training and goal. Fat loss? You need it to prevent your body using the muscle for fuel instead of the fat. Muscle gain? You need it to build new muscle after training. Strength? You need it for the intra-muscular adaptations after a heavy workout. The list goes on! You need to be taking in adequate protein if you are an active individual or want to be one, the common figure is 1 gram per pound of bodyweight, but feel free to go over that if you love your meats! A high protein does not cause any liver damage in a normal individual, that is an all-too-common myth. Do try and not fall too far beneath that figure. Protein has 4 calories per gram and is excellent at promoting satiety (the feeling of fullness). It also requires more energy from your body to break it down, two reasons that make it a good choice for people on a low calorie diet.


There's a special place in my heart for poor ol' fat. It gets such a hard time these days, but from observing recent articles it is making a comeback. There is a stigma surrounding it, "If you eat lots of fat, you get fat," and "Fats are unhealthy." I'd like to refer you back up to the piece on calories written above, eating fat doesn't cause fat gain, eating too much calories without exercising does. In fact, high fat high protein diets have even been shown to help with fat loss http://anabolicminds.com/forum/content/lose-fat-eating-3169/?s=0d8382bd9d3fdc1d19266159b7d9db5c

You're body likes to use fat for energy but not nearly as much as carbs. Be careful though, fat has 9 calories per gram so a high fat diet where you aren't counting calories will probably put you in a caloric surplus, and you will gain weight. Fats to include are fats from fish oil, flaxseed and other sources of omega 3, as well as poly and mono unsaturated fats. DO have some saturated fats (it often gets slated for causing heart disease, cholesterol and other nasty things), the evidence for this however is highly sub-standard, and they are needed for adequate hormone production, which every athlete and trainee needs in spades.
For more articles or to get in contact, please visit my blog! http://flawlessaesthetics.blogspot.ie/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_D_Scott

Ignorance of Nutrition Laws Are No Excuse

If you're driving down the street in a 25 miles per hour zone at a rate of 40 miles per hour then it is safe to say that you are breaking the law. Does it matter if you knew or not that you were breaking the law? In a court of law you will be punished the same way which is why your actions would more than likely result in a ticket if you were detained by a traffic-enforcement officer.

This illustration was used to help you understand that nature has laws that are in the best interest of man to follow. When you take inorganic substances and put them into the organic vessel known as your body then you are in direct violation of several health laws. It does not matter if you know that you are in violation of certain laws or not, the outcome will remain the same. If you partake in activities such as smoking cigarettes then it's a great chance that you will have some form of lung, throat or chest ailment at some point over the course of your life. It's not guaranteed but the probability increases with each insalubrious act.

Here is where people are confused. People mistake a person "being good" with a person following natural health laws. I'm sure you know people who were the nicest people but yet they were plagued with diseases that eventually claimed their lives or the quality of their life. Then you have those who are not known as "good people" but they have youthful appearances and are considered healthy by normal standards because they consume loads of nutrient rich foods, herbs and other vitamins.

It is important for you to glean my next sentence. You can be the nicest person on earth and be known for doing every good deed known to mankind but if you are not eating and living in accordance with nature you will be sick. There is no other way to say it. Eating fried foods, refined foods and sugar laced products will prove to be harmful to your state of health. You must approach the laws of nature just as you would the law of electricity or the law of gravity. We know not for certain how these laws function but they have a great impact on all life forms that exist today so we must respect them. If you do not believe in gravity simply jump out of an airplane with no parachute and let me know how that turns out. If you do not believe in the law of electricity just hang on to a live wire that has fallen during a rainstorm. You will probably cease to exist if you are so brazen as to carry out these acts.

If you have an option to be edified or not regarding the laws of nature and health then it is better to be edified. When you know something you are well equipped to make an educated decision. For example, if you do not know that meat and milk both help cause osteoporosis then you will continue to eat meat and be surprised when you are diagnosed with arthritic bones and osteoporosis. Study and gain knowledge but above all gain understanding on nutrition because ignorance of health laws will not keep disease from showing up at your doorstep.
Please visit us at http://www.dhealthstore.com for in depth information on plant based eating and healing.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._McSwine

Best Juicer Tips: How You Can Maximize the Benefits of Juicing Through a Good Juicer

First of all, looking for your juicer can be tedious. Like any in-demand products of today, there are many brands and types that are available in the market. How would you know what juicer is best for the price you want? Here are some important things to look for:


Face it. No matter how excited you are to start or continue your juicing program, like any endeavor, if it becomes tedious to the point that you force it, you will either stop doing it or you will not do it as often as you are required to. A very important thing to look for in a juicer is how easy it is to use and how easy it is to clean afterwards. That first step will already keep you going at the get-go.


If you are looking for a quality juicer, you should by one with a machine which has at least ¼ horsepower to do its job properly. This is very important because sometimes, going cheap will make you give up some quality. Some cheaper juicers tend to have less power in their machines. This offers the tendency of leaving some juice still left with the pulp. Also, this means that if your juicer is overworked to compensate for its lack of power, it may wear out more quickly. Of course, you also need to consider the speed in which your juicer operates. The faster it works, the more time you save and the more juice you get. It's as simple as that.


With most products that you buy, you almost always get what you pay for. Of course, products with good quality come with quality warranties. A lot of the juicers available in the market at a cheap price (usually under $100) boast of only cheap motors that do not handle seeds, cores and rinds well. You should know that every piece of fruit and/or vegetable must be sliced in tiny pieces so that the motor of your juicer does not burn out. Unfortunately, the best way to go is to choose quality over price and the best juicers you should pick must be at a price range of $300 or higher. Sometimes, price comes with quality and you'd always want to take quality for maximum benefits.

Investing in a good juicer will certainly help you reap the benefits of juicing the best way possible. So buy a good juicer and start juicing your way to a healthier life!
Donna H. is a non-professional but expert juicer. She has gathered the knowledge she has just shared with you from years of personal experience and from her encounters with various nutritionists and fitness experts throughout the years. Making fresh jucies is Donna's passion and it has changed her life. To know more useful tips and secrets about juicing, check out her latest e-book.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donna_H.

The Need to Balance Your Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fats

Much has been written on the health benefits of vegetable oils compared to animal fats. It has gotten to the point where the balance has gone far to the side of vegetable oils in the typical Western diet, and this imbalance is putting us at greater risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, to name a few. We get much of these omega-3 fats in today's diet from vegetable oils and processed foods, and instead of making us healthier it is the cause of many of our health problems.

When we look at our intake of omega-6 fats and omega-3 fats, the key to having these fats providing optimum health is balance between the two. Although animal fats have gotten a bad rap, both of these are essential. But with the increased amount of processed foods and foods cooked in vegetable oils at high temperatures in our diet, we now consume far too much omega-6 fats, both in total and in ratio to our omega-3 intake.

When we talk of a diet high in omega-6 fats, what kind of a diet are we talking about? Think the typical American southern diet, which is known for its chicken and other foods that are deep-fried. In a recent test done by the University of Alabama Birmingham it was found that those who ate this diet on a regular basis had a 41% greater risk of stroke. By eliminating other factors such as obesity, smoking and lack of physical activity, there was still a 30% increase in stroke risk.

It's not just that people consume too many omega-6 fats, but what happens to them when they are subjected to excessive heat. They are very chemically unstable, and when they are overheated in processing or cooking they literally deteriorate chemically. Also, if not consumed quickly they turn rancid. This is due to the oxidation process they go through. Depending on the type of oil and temperature, this breakdown and the formation of toxic chemical compounds it produces will depend on the oil and the temperature. The free radicals that will be released are what can cause cancer as well as numerous other health issues.

So what can we do to bring our omega-3s and omega-6s into balance? Some of the sources of omega-6 fats are corn, soy and canola oil, margarine, shortening and hydrogenated fats. Almost all processed and prepackaged food contains one of these oils. Oils that are acceptable to use to balance your omega-6s and 3s are extra virgin olive oil, avocados, coconut oil and organic butter. Also, meat that is raised exclusively on grass or free-range diets is very good. These would include venison and other game animals, but would not include traditionally raised cattle, because they typically are fed grain before they are slaughtered.

Another option is omega-3 supplementation, and probably the best option here is krill oil. It is far more absorbable than the omega-3 fish oil, therefore making it as much as 48 times more potent. But the key is to limit your intake of omega-6 fats, and that comes from eliminating processed, prepackaged, and deep-fried food as much as possible.

As the article states, fats are an important part of our diet, but we need a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fats. Read more about excellent source of omega-3s, along with a look at the best oils to cook with. Rich Carroll is a health enthusiast and writer now living in Chicago.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rich_Carroll

Eat These 6 Foods to Lose Stomach Fat!

We all know by now abs are made in the kitchen and revealed in the gym, so let me just jump right into it, here are the 6 foods to eat daily to lose stomach fat:

Brussels Sprouts
Bok Choy

These 6 vegetables are all members of the cruciferous family of vegetables. They are already well known for their role in reducing the risk of cancer because of their high amount of phytochemicals. They are high in fiber, vitamin A, C and folic acid.

Cruciferous vegetables also contain glucosinolates, which give them their characteristic spicy or better taste. When the cell wall of these vegetables are broken via blending, chopping, or chewing they release an enzyme called myrosinase which converts glucosinolates into several cancer fighting substances but the one I want to talk to you about is indole 3-carbinol which is an anti-estrogen.

What does this have to do with my ability to lose stomach fat?

Glad you asked. Everyday we are bombarded with toxic chemicals in our environment that cause us to have hormonal imbalances in particular excessive amounts of estrogen also known as "Estrogen Dominance" which is the leading cause of fat gain around the stomach, hips and thighs. Estrogen Dominance is responsible for a host of illnesses:

Allergies and Asthma
Mood Swings
Thyroid dysfunction.

These are just a few of the illnesses caused by Estrogen Dominance. Eating unfermented soy products, using plastics and yes cans that are not BPA Free, pesticides and not eating organic all cause an increase in estrogen levels. Even in men excessive amounts of estrogen causes us to store fat in our abdominal area. Thank God for the cruciferous crew! By the way did you know that cruciferous is Latin for cross bearing? I thought that was an interesting tid bit.

Is there any special way to eat or prepare them?

They are best eaten raw or lightly steamed and the more you chew or chop them the more of the enzyme is released. Mix them up but 1-2 different kinds everyday. The more you cook them the less cancer fighting and anti-estrogen properties they have and the more bitter they will taste. This is one of the reasons why I love green food smoothies, I can eat my kale raw and don't even taste it. In addition to creating a calorie deficit and exercising these 6 foods will be a great asset to help you lose the stomach fat for good!

Shelita Williams, R.N. Certified Fitness Trainer, helps aspiring and established women entrepreneurs who struggle with achieving their health and fitness goals, to lose weight, increase energy, boost confidence and establish their brand integrity so that they are poised, fit and motivated to start, manage and grow their business!. Shelita's book has been featured on CNN, as well as TCT television network to name a few. Go to http://www.shelitawilliams.com to get a free weight loss ecourse to learn exactly what Shelita did to lose over 80 lbs. Connect with Shelita on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/shelitawilliamspage
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shelita_Williams

Health Benefits of Juice

There are many health benefits of juice and this is the primary reason why we all need to be drinking more juice on a daily basis. In this post, we will talk about what these benefits are so you can make the decision to embrace more juice into your diet. Remember, if you can get a lot of health benefits from just eating or drinking healthy foods, you are much better off than if you were to seek treatment after you have already contracted an illness.

Here are some of the most important benefits of juice.

· Juice is a great source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The specific type of nutrients that you get depends on which type of juice you are drinking, but fresh fruit juice is the best option when it comes to health benefits. For example, fruit juices like pineapple and orange are great sources of Vitamin C while cherry juice has a large amount of antioxidants which are great for fighting cancer, inflammation and heart ailments. The actual health benefits of juice boil down to choosing the specific type of juice you want, but you can be confident that it will be there if you choose to include it in your diet.

· Another great benefit of drinking fruit juice is that it is low in fattening sugars. You know that drinking artificial bottled juices from supermarket shelves can be a major mistake as the latest brands tend to pack a lot of preservatives, artificial sugars and sweeteners. When drinking the juice of your favorite fruit or vegetable you will not have this problem. If you want to be truly healthy in your selection of everyday drinks, you cannot go wrong with fresh fruit juice.

· The high water content of juice is obvious but it is an understated health benefit. Juices are great for hydration. Particularly among people who spend extended hours in the sun doing manual labor. Dehydration under any condition can lead to headaches and many other side effects which in the long-term can be detrimental for one's health. Keeping a stash of fresh fruit juice and taking a sip every now and then can be immensely beneficial for people who are prone to dehydration.

There are plenty of selections that can really maximize the health benefits of fruit juice. We've already covered the most common options - orange juice and cherry juice - but there are many others that are just as beneficial but albeit less popular. Coconut juice is a great choice for many and so are fruit juices made from grapes, pomegranates, cranberries, apples, carrots and many others. These juices carry immensely powerful health nutrients that are great additions to anyone's diet.

Are you ready for the health benefits of juice to add value to your daily diet? Grab fresh fruit off the shelf and learn to make your own juice at home so you can be confident that every glass of a refreshing and nutritious fruit or vegetable based beverage is giving you a healthier body.

If you are interested in the health benefits of juice, be sure and browse through our many articles on the subject to learn what each fruit or vegetable has to offer.
Robert Perry specializes in the building of income producing niche websites, usually using Google AdSense ads. For $100 he builds a 5 article website that the search engines love.
The Niche Builders
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_N._Perry

Diet Soda Myths Exposed So You Can Lose Weight Effectively

Myth #1: Diet Sodas Help with Weight Loss

Many people out there drink diet sodas because they believe it is a healthier option and I respect the fact they are trying to lead a more healthy lifestyle. The fact is that all of these products are detrimental to one's health. With that being said it is not the consumer's fault. Soda companies have been lying for years about the so-called benefits of their product.

It is simply a marketing strategy to get a larger consumer base and ultimately more money out of us, the general public.

If you want to lose weight the best thing to drink is water followed by, and there is a vast margin between the two, fruit or vegetable juice. Drinking diet soda is not even on the map in this discussion, it will not aid in weight loss in fact it has been shown in studies to cause health problems not health solutions.

Myth #2: Diet Sodas are Good for You

Recent studies have shown that diet sodas are more likely to cause type two diabetes in people who consume them on a daily basis. This is an awful result for all of us who are trying to be health conscious.

We all know that type two diabetes can lead to type 1 diabetes over time and then you really have a problem because that is a very serious medical condition that can cause a myriad of health problems including shortening a person's lifespan.

Artificial sweeteners, used as an ingredient of these products, is also a major cause for concern.

Myth #3: The Ingredients Used are Better than What is in Regular Soda

This is the biggest one in my opinion and it is simply not true. One of the ingredients used as a substitute for sugar is aspartame. I don't know if you have ever heard of aspartame but if you drink diet sodas you really should educate yourself about this harmful substance.

Aspartame has been known to cause over 80 different medical conditions, some as minor as diarrhea, and even more serious conditions such as epileptic seizures. Most people have some kind of reaction to aspartame the question is to what degree and what are the long-term consequences.

I really hope this article has opened your eyes and raised your awareness about the dangers of diet soda. My hope is that diet sodas become extinct because people stop buying them. This is a serious problem that detracts from the good health of an individual.
Weight loss expert Sam Payne uses the power of information to benefit people who want to lose weight, get fit, or just live a healthier lifestyle. Now he is giving you a chance to check out some of his many strategies. Just go to http://www.how-to-lose-weight-hq.com/Diet-Sodas.html to learn more of his strategies for healthy living. Also check out http://www.how-to-lose-weight-hq.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Samuel_D_Payne

The Paleo Diet Meal Plan For Athletes

The paleo diet meal plan for athletes is a plan based on foods that make up the Paleolithic diet, with a few minor changes. But first, we should cover what the paleo diet is all about.

The Paleolithic diet, popularly referred to as the caveman diet, is a nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that the human species consumed during the Paleolithic era - a period of about 2.5 million years duration that ended nearly 10,000 years ago with the introduction of agriculture. Based upon commonly available modern foods, the modern paleo diet consists mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils.

The paleo diet was first popularized in the mid 1970's by gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin, and has been promoted and adapted by numerous authors and researchers in several books and academic journals. Paleolithic nutrition comes from the premise that modern humans are genetically adapted to the diet of their ancestors, and that since human genetics hasn't really changed since the introduction of agriculture, that an ideal diet for human health and well-being is one that mirrors this ancestral diet.

The Paleolithic diet is a modern dietary regimen that seeks to copy the diet of hunter-gatherers of the pre-agricultural era. The Paleo Diet consists of foods that can be hunted or fished, such as meat and seafood, and can be gathered, such as eggs, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, just to name a few. Foods to be avoided include grains like wheat, corn and oats; vegetable oils and margarines; legumes like soy, peanuts, and lentils; sodas, sugar, and fruit juices; dairy products; and processed foods and preservatives.

For the most competitive athletes, however; they need to slightly bend the rules of the paleo diet. After all, they are placing demands on their bodies that our caveman ancestors never even dreamed of. High sustained energy output, followed by the need for quick recovery, requires some latitude. The latitude needed can be outlined while describing the athlete's 5 stages of eating as related to exercising.

Stage 1: Eating Before Exercising: We would like athletes to eat low to moderate "glycemic index carbohydrates" at the very least a couple of hours prior to a strenuous or long workout or race. Some fat and protein may be consumed in this meal. All foods should be low in fiber. Take in 200 to 300 calories for each hour remaining until exercise begins.

Stage 2: Eating During Exercising: If you are participating in long or hard workouts and races, taking in high "glycemic index carbohydrates" through fluids is what we recommend. Sports drinks are excellent for this. Anything that will last less than an hour you're better off just drinking water. When deciding how much to consume, 200 to 400 calories per hour is a good starting point.

Stage 3: Eating Immediately After: The first 30 minutes post workout and post race is the most critical for recovery. This should be your highest priority at the conclusion of your physical activity. As such, a recovery drink that contains both carbohydrate and protein in a 4-5:1 ratio is recommended. 16 ounces of fruit juice with a banana, 3 to 5 tablespoons of glucose, about 3 tablespoons of protein powder, and 2 pinches of salt would be ideal.

Stage 4: Eating For Extended Recovery: For the next couple of hours continue to focus your diet on carbohydrates. This would be the time to eat non-optimal foods such as pasta, bread, bagels, rice, corn and other foods rich in glucose.This is necessary for the carbohydrate recovery process. Raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams would also be a good choice.

Stage 5: Eating For Long Term: You should return to eating a Paleo diet by focusing on optimal foods to recover for the remainder of the day.

The paleo diet is a natural, very simple way of eating that promotes dramatic health benefits and weight loss results you will never achieve from any other diet, weight loss program or fad diet you may or may not heard about. Following this diet you could achieve the best health of your life, be in the best shape in your life, and experience more energy than ever before!

However; this dietary approach is not without controversy. Some nutritionists and anthropologists suggest that this may be a fad diet. Some researchers dispute the underlying evolutionary logic. They have also disputed certain dietary recommendations and restrictions on the grounds that they provide no health benefits and may actually pose health risks.
Did you find the paleo diet meal plan for athletes useful? You can read a review of a popular paleo recipe cookbook by clicking here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashton_Permewan

Celebrity Diet Strategies That Actually Work

Hollywood celebrities are as famous for their diets as they are for the films they make. Now, it's not a surprise that many of these actors and actresses spend thousands of dollars just to achieve the body they want since how they look to fans is very important in what they do. The question, however, is whether celebrity diets actually work or not. The truth is not all diets celebrities try actually work, and most even do more harm to their body than good. If you want to have a body like J-Lo's or Penelope's, however, here are some diet tips celebrities try that actually deliver results.

Don't Skip Breakfast

There's a good reason why breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. According to research, eating breakfast jumps start your metabolism and prevents you from overeating later during the day. By eating breakfast, you are actually sending a signal to your body that triggers it to start burning fat. A good breakfast should consist of a cup of oatmeal, some sliced fruits, and scrambled egg whites.

Pick High Fiber Fruits and Veggies

You may think that because it's green, it's good for weight loss, but not according to experts. Some produce like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and onion do have amazing health benefits, but they also lead to gas and bloating. What nutritionists suggest you should try are watery fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, grapes, oranges, cucumbers, lettuce, and celery.

Cut Down on Foods with High Sugar Content

This may sound obvious, but what you should cut down, in particular, are white carb foods such as rice, bread, and pasta. Since these types of food are high in sugar, eating them will trigger your body to burn sugar first before burning fat.

Include Spicy Foods to Your Diet

If you cannot tolerate spicy foods, you should start loving them because according to studies, spicy foods contain elements that can speed up the body's metabolism. Not only that, spicing up your food with hot pepper sauce and red pepper flakes makes your food more delicious and interesting, causing you to enjoy your food faster and prevents you from eating more than you should throughout the day.

You may have read about celebrity diets, but to tell you the truth, there is no ultimate celebrity diet that will help you achieve a body like Jessica Alba's or Charlize Theron's. Nevertheless, these healthy tips should help you go a long way in your goal to have a celebrity-like figure.
Due to the nature of their work, celebrities greatly rely on how they look on and off cam. And if there is one thing famous celebs depend on to maintain their awesome figure, it's celebrity diets. Read about celebrity diets and other healthy fitness strategies here in ivillage.com.au.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Florence_M_Jones

How to Make Diet Plans Work

If you've researched enough, you'll find that there are so many free online diet plans out there that you can try. You will also find people saying some diet plans work and some don't. Truth is, a diet plan is something that is well-researched and experimented on. So those behind them will not embarrass themselves by promoting something that doesn't work. So yes, all diet plans will work. (Of course, we're talking about legitimate ones, or those that are backed by actual studies and not merely by online profiteering strategies.)
But how come some people say that some of these plans don't work? It really boils down to compliance. For example, if your diet plan tells you to consume not more than this much rice in a day, don't. If your diet tells you to avoid sweets, do it. It's really all about compliance. That's why the trick to finding the best diet plan is to choose the one that you're most likely to stick with. When you can do that, there's no reason it won't work.

Do Low-Carb Diet Plans Really Work for Weight Loss?

If you're one of those people wondering whether low-carb free online diet plans work, you can check the facts. Foods rich in carbohydrates are what we call "go foods" and that's because they supply us with energy. This is what we use to keep our biological processes going and our bodies moving. As you know, the more we burn, the more we lose. And when we go on a low-carb diet, we end up losing even more weight. That's because it is our body's natural design to burn fat itself for energy when our carbohydrate supply runs out.

So if you were to go on a low-carb diet, your body will not have any other choice but to use up your fat stores so you can continue to move, and your body processes are maintained. This is the exact reason a low carb diet will always work. Still, you should never dip below your daily minimum caloric requirements. If you do, your body will be forced to go into starvation mode where it starts conserving calories instead of burning it, making weight loss more difficult.

Three Factors on How to Get Ripped

There are individuals who want to know the basic facts on how to get ripped. There are hundreds of ways that could be tried and they are all effective. However, there are three factors that should not be forgotten. People should have a lot of rest, maintain proper diets, and do some routines. Those are the three basic factors that a lot of people ignore. In some cases, people would just consider two factors while ignoring one of them. It is very ideal to do all of those things if people really want to rip muscles. The bodybuilding process is like a cycle.

People need to rest so that they could have energy. If they have enough energy, they would not be tempted to eat junk food. Once their free online diet plans have been revolutionized, they would be able to do more workout routines. All of those things are necessary in bodybuilding.
There are a lot of free online diet plans that can help you lose weight and have a healthy body! You can always visit this website for more helpful tips. Check http://www.plandiet.org for information about diet plans and how to make it workout.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julius_Daviz_Galvez

Delicious Paleo Meatloaf Recipes

From standard meatloaf to Paleo meatloaf with just a few small changes!

The humble meatloaf is a long time household favourite. Not only is it a fantastic choice for leftovers, but it is reasonably cheap as well as being so simple to prepare. And with a couple of subtle modifications the recipe can be altered enough to be categorized as a fully approved Paleo Meatloaf! If you have actually never tried it before, have a look at the recipes below and see for yourself just what it is you have actually been missing!
As you probably already know, the Paleo diet plan is about enjoying food that is in its natural form and that can either be hunted or gathered. Keeping this in mind, the humble meatloaf does not truly take much altering at all so you can feel comfortable in serving up a fully fledged Paleo meatloaf.

There are a few specs that you need to be aware of but the beauty of a Paleo Meatloaf is in its simplicity. It's another one of those meals that taste just as great (some would say even better!) the second time around so don't be afraid to make heaps that will last a few additional meals! As long as you stay away from the non authorized Paleo items such as grains, artificial sweeteners and especially any processed or synthetic foods, you should be right and you can always add many more different but natural ingredients.

First thing to focus on is the main ingredient... the beef for the Paleo meatloaf! If you are lucky or fortunate enough to be able to get your hands on some home grown beef then great! However, most of us still have to purchase our food from the marketplace or grocery store and what you are trying to find there is Organic Beef which has been preferably grass fed - not grain fed.

Next substitute is the breadcrumbs. Now breadcrumbs are normally an essential part of a quality meatloaf but uh oh... no grains allowed in a Paleo Meatloaf! You can avoid this detail rather effortlessly by grinding up some oatmeal till it looks and feels the same consistency and texture of breadcrumbs.

Lots of meatloaf recipes call for using tomato sauce, ketchup or catsup. These are also not allowed as they often contain a lot of preservatives, add-ons and also high fructose corn syrup. Some folks following the Paleo meal plan, specifically time poor people, can be easily lured to use these but it is so simple to stay true and make Paleo diet plan friendly catsup... and it's so easy!

All you have to do for your Paleo diet plan friendly catsup is to mix together a 6 ounce can of natural tomato paste with 2 Tbsp of vinegar, 1/4 cup water, 1/2 tsp each of sea salt, ground cloves, and allspice. You're ready to go!

Now... to the recipes!

I have two recipes here for you to choose from. Just choose the one that appears the most appealing to you and get started on a yummy Paleo Meatloaf for you and your family tonight!

Paleo Meatloaf Recipe 1:


2 lbs. lean ground beef
2 eggs
1 tsp of sea salt
1 stalk celery
1 medium sized bell pepper, chopped
1 medium sized onion, sliced
1 teaspoon black pepper
2/3 cup ground oatmeal
1 tsp of thyme
1 teaspoon of garlic
1/2 cup catsup (recipe above)

Toss everything into a large mixing bowl but only use half the catsup as you will require the other half a little later. Mix together thoroughly. When blended, place the mixture into a softly greased pan. Now grab the remaining catsup and spread it evenly over the top of the meatloaf. Pop it straight into a 350 degree oven and let it cook for around half an hour.

Paleo Meat Loaf With Mushrooms

Mushroom fans will enjoy this one! The mushrooms not only contribute to the remarkable taste of this dish but also assist it bind together and all in all, it results in a very filling meal. Either served on its own or with a light side salad it will certainly become a family favourite! This recipe serves 5 Neanderthals!


2 lb ground beef
1 1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 egg
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 cups white button mushrooms, carefully chopped
1 tsp chili pepper flakes
3 tsp fresh thyme, minced
1 tsp fresh oregano, minced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup homemade ketchup
1 tbsp Paleo cooking fat

Like the first Paleo meatloaf recipe, all the ingredients are blended together, a loaf is formed and then the meatloaf is topped with catsup or homemade tomato sauce then popped in a 350 degree oven for about an hour or until the meat is cooked and not pink in the middle. The only difference in this one is that the mushrooms have to be cooked first. Over a medium heat in a skillet or fry pan, thaw the Paleo cooking fat and simply sauté the mushrooms until soft. This should not take more than 2 or 3 minutes.

So there you have it my friends, 2 different recipes for you to try. There are far more choices of Paleo dinners than people think and I hope that a yummy Paleo meatloaf becomes part of your weekly menu!

When first starting out with the Paleo lifestyle it may seem like your choices for meals are limited. However the closer you look and the deeper you dig, you will quickly see that there are countless options to live Paleo and they are not all bland and boring either!
For more information on how to live the Paleo lifestyle including heaps more about, Paleo approved foods, stacks of recipes plus much, much more, check out http://www.thepaleodieteatingplan.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Seth_Arcadia

Build Muscle Fast: It's About The Right Foods And Proper Exercises

Most people dream of someday succeeding in building up muscles and having a lean ripped physique. Loads of these people also wish to build muscles, they want that body now! One of the most helpful ways to build muscle fast is to be knowledgeable about what exactly is required, especially when you go to your next gym workout. There is a right way and a wrong way to build muscle, be it for aesthetic purposes or for athletic purposes or even both.

Don't Be Overwhelmed

Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the thought of trying to get a ripped physique, this generally leads to disappointment and feeling frustrated. One of the most common mistakes made by many many people is to try and emulate the steps that professional bodybuilders perform in order to build up their muscles. Another error is rushing out and spending a lot of money on expensive workout equipment in order to build muscle fast.

The best way of building muscle fast is eating the correct foods to get your body the nutrients required and accompanying that with regular exercises, both resistant training and cardio training.. These two key parts will make sure you can build muscles without causing injury and without using dangerous supplements. Often you can succeed by doing nothing more than eating well, exercising properly and doing some weight training.

It is also better to choose to use free weights and not depend on using machines, since by lifting weights you will are performing natural movements. Working the same muscles but using machines will cause you to make unnatural motions which can lead to unnecessary injuries. Also, using a barbell can prove to be far more effective at building muscle fast than using all those expensive pieces equipment.

It also pays for you to concentrate on larger muscle groups and not to do isolation exercises. The impact of a healthy and proper diet on your muscle gaining attempts cannot be overemphasized since the proper foods will mean that you get more out of eat workout you do. You can also safely consume many good quality supplements to aid your body in creating bigger and better muscles fast.

The bottom line to learning how to build muscle fast is that if the results do not show up immediately don't panic or give up. As long as you eat the right foods and do your workout properly while you keep a record of your activities you can expect results will start showing up as faster than you expected.
I'm Joe Gore and I have created http://www.24hrbodybuildingfitness.com/ using information I have researched and put into practice through my own fitness routine. Take action now and visit my website at the above link.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_C_Gore

Benefits of Eating Japanese Goya

There is a reason why the Okinawan Diet is so popular. Beyond being one of the reasons why people of Okinawa are said to have the longest lifespans in the world, food eaten by native Okinawans such as Mozuku seaweed and Goya packed full with valued added nutrition.

What is Goya?

Goya is bitter melon in Japanese. Although highlighted in the diet of Okinawa, it is not uncommon to be eaten in most parts of Japan. Unlike other fruits you are used to eating it comes with a peculiar bitterness, hence the name bitter melon.

Goya Health Benefits

Goya among being a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B2, and dietary fiber, gives you Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) that can be found sold in most diet supplement stores like your local GNC.

CLA is said to aid in fat loss especially important when you are trying to lose weigh on a diet. Like other fat burning foods, all you have to do is incorporate it in your diet to reap all the benefits.

You will find more information regarding the pros and cons of CLA in your diet in another article. The purpose of this article is to let you know it's there and that it may help you lose body fat.

Sources of Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Three sources come to mind when trying to get CLA in your diets which include the following.
- Kangaroo Meat
- CLA Capsules
- Goya
- Other notable sources of CLA

I think you would agree that the eating goya is the most preferable way to get CLA in your diet.

Although available in areas near Australia, chances are that kangaroo is not available in your area. On top of that, what you will find is that there are other sources of CLA than eating kangaroo.

CLA capsules may seem like a way to go but when it comes down to it, you don't want to be paying top dollar for a pill when there are natural sources out there that can be easily incorporated in cooking.

Goya in my opinion is the way to go. Not only do you know where the CLA is coming from (assurance that it isn't just being made in a lab somewhere synthetically).

There is more than one way to getting goya with your diet such as eating goya whole, taking goya tablets, or drinking goya tea.
Read more on the Goya Diet
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tulugaq_N_Bean

6 Commonly Asked Questions on Dieting, Food Shopping, and Weight Loss

-As I've gotten older, I've gained weight. Why is this happening?

When you are younger, you have a higher metabolism and are more active. As we get older and take on more responsibilities, such as jobs and children, leisure activities become less of a priority. Work outs and healthy cooking falls to the wayside. Add an increasingly slower metabolism and what do you have? Weight gain

-How do I lose it?
In the simplest terms: Exercise, clean diet, and quality sleep.

-Can you elaborate more on clean diet?

Clean diet is just a term that I have used for years that means high quality and nutrient dense foods. People call me all the time and ask what they should be eating. If you need to ask, it's probably not good. If what you are eating was made in a factory, you probably do not want to eat it.

-What diet are you following?

I do not diet. I eat a diet full of nutrient dense foods and eating "bad" foods (ie. cake, ice cream, and cookies) in moderation. Some examples of nutrient dense foods are kale, spinach, broccoli sprouts, avocados, all berries, almonds, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, cacao, raw honey, coconut oil, olive oil, grass-fed beef, free range poultry, salmon, tuna, beans, yerba mate, and green and white teas.

-I can't afford to buy everything organic, what should I do?

If you can't afford a totally organic diet, then only buy the "dirty dozen" organic. These 12 fruits and vegetables are found to be covered with the most pesticide residues and grown with chemical fertilizers. Also to save money, buy the "clean 15" conventionally. The produce on this list are found to have minimal pesticides on them whether they are grown conventionally or organically. As a rule of thumb, if the fruit or vegetable has a thick skin on it that is not eaten, it is safe to buy conventionally.

-What diet do you recommend?

I do not recommend diets for most people. Once you are on a diet, you start to get cravings because you are depriving yourself of something. That something is usually a food that you like (and possibly love). If I had to pick one, it would be the slow carb diet. I have had amazing results with it. I lost close to 20 pounds in almost 3 weeks. My flexibility, endurance, and overall athletic performance improved tremendously.
Visit my website for more FREE information, quick tips, and videos.
Go here: http://www.ChangeForHealthNow.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Rawle_Shewprashad

The Right Type of Diet for Your Body Type

Many people plan to achieve weight loss by committing to a food diet without knowing how it will affect their body types. According to scientific studies, there is a significant link between your body type and the kind of food diet your lifestyle maintains. This was especially emphasized by Dr. Mehmet Oz on Oprah. The type of fat your body is storing will be easy to identify and eliminate when you recognize where most of your body's bulging parts are. What is more encouraging than knowing the specific type of food diet to speed your weight loss?

But first, you must know your body type to achieve its ideal state. These are particular body types, and which part/s of the body is/are bulging:

1. Pear - full hips, thighs, rear
2. Apple - belly fat/thick middle

If you want to lose weight, you can't just go on any kind of food diet. For the type of body you already have, your system has already adapted to its own ways. You can actually make use of how your own body already works to enhance your shape.

To understand the link between your body type and food diet, you should understand and target the kind of fat your body is dealing with:

If you are a pear type, you should know that the kind of fat in your thighs are healthier than that of the apple type, or those who have belly fat. Your kind of fat is subcutaneous, and it's harder to get rid of.

If you are an apple type, what you will have to eliminate is visceral fat. This kind of fat is linked to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Visceral fat is also one of the reasons your metabolism is slowed down. Next, apply these types of food diet, depending your body type:

For the pear type, a low-fat food diet is the key to losing weight. Remember to keep your meals low-fat, and always include low-fat dairy. The most recommended choices for low-fat dairy sources are cottage cheese, milk, and yogurt. Forget foods with saturated fats. Try to avoid eating anything processed liked canned goods as they contain hydrogenated oils. It should be easy to maintain this diet because the mentioned components of food aid weight loss easily.

For the apple type, it's best to start avoiding bad carbohydrates or anything refined and processed. Examples of these are white rice, white bread, and even pasta. Maintain a food diet only with good carbs like beans, fruits, whole grain, and vegetables.

Now that you've identified the crucial parts of your body to aim a diet for, the next step is to keep yourself motivated. For faster results, balance your diet with exercise of intensity suited for your body. Once you'll get the hang of it, your current body shape will be sculpted at its best earlier than you expect.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abdur_Rajjak

Paleo Diet - What Is It and Why It Is Important

It is based on a simple premise that you would not have eaten the Paleo Diet if the cavemen hadn't eaten it. That is the reason that the Paleo Diet is also known as "The Cavemen Diet". It includes nuts, meats, fish, seeds and vegetables, all those things which you could find or hunt from the natural environment. So it is the diet which our great ancestors ate and used to live a healthy life. As time goes on, people became more advanced, and the agricultural revolution took place. We became farmers from hunters. We formed societies. And from that day we have progressed to what we are today.

Our diet also shifted with the time being from Paleo to more modern which increased intake of calories. And there the problem took place. As according to Robb Wolf, Homo-Sapiens in old age spent a very long time as hunters and made their bodies adapts that way of living over thousands of years, but as the revolution took place it shifted our diet but our genetics are the same as the past Homo-Sapiens, so our bodies never synced properly to eating the food what we are eating right now. We started relying on grains like pasta, bread, corn, rice etc and nearly ceased the intake of vegetables, seasonal fruits and meat. Hence becoming fatter and exposed to diseases like diabetes and heart attacks. According to study about 33% of us are considered as obese and 66% of us are overweight, and it is getting worse day by day. The average Homo-Sapien back then was big, strong, muscular, lively, athletic, adaptable and in good shape. But now an average Homo-Sapien is obese, overweight, out of shape, worried, sleep deprived, sorrowful and dying from countless preventable diseases.

So it is obvious that our modern diet (like grains) is not healthy for us as we are not biologically designed for it, and it is better to take that diet which allows us to tap into our genetic potential and makes us start living healthier. One more point was raised by Mr. Mark in his article from Daily Apple that grains cause kind of weird reaction in our digestive system.

Basically, grains are made up of carbohydrates, and those carbohydrates are converted into glucose (a type of sugar) in our system which produces energy and helps our body to function, and is also used to perform various other tasks in our body. And any glucose that is not consumed as energy is stored as fat in our body. This shows that how modern diet is affecting our health and why the Paleo diet is so much important for us.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Talone

Eat Lean, Train Mean, Gain Muscle!

Artificial dietary supplements touted as the best fast muscle building solutions are flooding the market today sparking a consumer frenzy! Although these supplements deliver muscle building results, they could also trigger a whole host of other negative effects to your health. Well do not to worry, you can still build muscle and achieve your goals towards a healthier body and attractive physique by utilizing natural and safe measures.

Eat Lean

Searching too far and wide for answers may not necessarily be the case; your best natural muscle building tips and tricks could be whipped right out of your own kitchen and in time for dinner! Diet is essentially the best natural way to achieving lean body mass, and having the knowledge of which foods to pair up for best results is the key to unlocking the secret ingredients to boost muscle growth.

First things first, you will have to do away with any junk empty-calorie packed foods that offer your body little or no nutritional value. Foods that are generally high in sugar are a big NO NO as they will cause your body to store fat and hinder you from building lean muscle. Adapting a lean and nutritious diet will not only ensure that you burn fat while gaining lean muscle, but it will also replenish your body to stay healthier and get stronger.

Foods rich in protein such as eggs, almonds, seafood (particularly salmon) and lean red meat (beef) should be a big part of your healthy diet choices in order to enable you to maximize muscle growth while delivering total body nourishment. Remember however that man cannot live on bread alone, in this case protein rich foods. It is therefore essential to practice a healthy balanced diet coupled with fruits, vegetables and whole grains all the while keeping your body well hydrated to promote muscle rebuilding and strength among other bodily functions.

Train Mean

Incorporating exercise in to your daily lifestyle is a simple yet valuable step towards achieving a healthier and stronger body. There are specific exercises however that target muscle growth and strength. Adding weight training sessions to your workout regime is a great natural muscle building strategy. It is advisable to evaluate your strength capacity prior to starting any rigorous exercise.

Starting small is not only a smart way to build up your momentum and allow your body to get stronger, but also a precaution in itself. It will ensure that you largely avoid muscle strain, fatigue and possible injuries that can lead to burn out and a hasty retreat, deterring you from further progressing your muscle building quest.
When all is said and done, it is very important to take good care of your body by not only affording it good nutrition and valuable exercise, but by also ensuring that you get much needed rest to allow your muscles to heal and regenerate.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shiang_Wong

The Secret for Building a Greek God Physique

You've most likely seen their bodies; Zeus, Poseidon, and other Greek gods portrayed in statues. All have that proportioned physique that would make any guy standing next to them feel diffident. But how do you achieve such look? Isn't it something that only genetically gifted people has?

Well, not really. Anyone is capable of building muscles. It's just that people either overdo it or don't really care about proportions. But if you're one of those who do care, then following these 5 guidelines is the right thing you can do in order to get that eye-catching physique.

Stop Doing Isolated Exercises Unless You Really Need To

The problem with gyms nowadays, is that you'll see people performing single joint exercises (i.e. bicep curls) instead of compound movements (i.e. bench presses or squats.) This basically consumes more time and effort, which results in tedious and stressful workouts, plus a weak and unbalanced overall body strength.
But don't get it wrong. Isolated exercises have their own places (e.g. working out lagging parts), but if proportion is your goal-then multi joint movements is the answer.

Perform Compound Exercises

In connection with the first tip, why are compound movements so important?

Because aside from building power and strength; compound movements help to develop a prominent torso along with muscular arms and legs. For instance, whenever you perform pushing exercises such as the declined, inclined, and flat bench presses, the primary muscle group doing the work is the chest. But as you complete the movement, the triceps gets the job done as well. That's why worrying about lagging body parts such as the arms is no use. For the latter will grow as the size of the torso increases, thus building a more proportioned look. No wonder why total body training is the best method.

Stop Obsessing About Huge Arms

Here is another problem of muscle heads: Huge Arms Obsession.

There's nothing wrong in having big arms. In fact, it's one of the first things that most people notice. But proportion is better than size. A guy with too muscular arms and a puny chest looks pretty much crummy. That's why obsessing over upper limbs can ruin that eye-pleasing physique.

Don't Forget Your Legs

Unless you don't want to resemble Johnny Bravo-remember to work out your lower limbs. A lot of guys are brave enough to hide those chicken legs underneath their pants, which makes them uncomfortable wearing a swim suit.

But aside from the power and impact legs provide, building them the right way (using compound movements), helps to tone those peculiar buttock as well, which gives a good reason for girls to stare at you longer.

Keep It in Proportion with Your Height

You may have achieved the ideal musculature. But if you're overdoing it, and mass size doesn't match your height, then your physique is no better than before.

If you're short, an adequate amount of muscle size is enough to make out the proportions. There's no need to go any further. Conversely, if you're tall-a little more mass is what you need in order to build the right and good looking figure.

No matter what your goal is-either strength or size, try to follow these 5 tips to help you get the Greek god physique. You may choose to have the biggest arms or legs in your local gym, and that's totally fine. But always remember this: Big is good-but proportioned is better.
This article is from a nice fitness website. To read more related topics, you can visit the site at http://www.goldenlineage.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_McBenza

How To Lose Weight Using The Power of Your Mind

Everywhere you look there is some new exercise gadget, workout program or weight loss wonder pill being advertised on one of those late night infomercials, all promising to help you lose weight quickly and easily.
The thing is there really is no substitute for eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. That's pretty much all there is to losing weight, but if you've ever struggled to lose a few pounds or a lot more than a few, you know already it takes a lot of will power to succeed.

Flex Your Mind Muscle To Help You Lose Weight!

Did you know that many of the world's greatest athletes use their minds to not only make more goals in soccer, hit home runs in baseball or sink a rare hole in one in golf. They also use the power of their minds to get their bodies in peak condition. Visualizing themselves looking a certain way and even focusing on the precise muscle movement needed to score in their chosen sport.

The good news for you is that you can do what world-class athletes do and enjoy similar results by using your mind with a little help from hypnosis. Not the kind you see portrayed on television and in movies. That's over the top Hollywood stuff. Natural hypnosis is a lot simpler than that. When you are under hypnosis it is simply a very relaxed trance like state of mind but you are still fully aware.

In fact, you have experienced this state many times without realizing it. For example have you ever been so focused on something you were doing that you "tune out" everyone else around you? Well that is a trance like state of mind.

Hypnosis helps you in several different ways including losing weight. Your subconscious mind is given a series of simple suggestions that will gradually cause you to change your eating habits and even make exercise something you enjoy.

One of the reasons you fail at losing weight is because you have the wrong mindset. Hypnosis kind of acts like a bridge between your mind and your body.

In other words, your mind focuses on the idea of weight loss. It then communicates those ideas to your body and that leads to weight loss gradually over time.

Other ways hypnosis can help you is by giving you more control over food cravings that sabotage your diet. In this case, a suggestion is given to your subconscious to drink a glass of water every time you want to eat a high fat or sugary food. There could be suggestions to switch your thinking from a negative self-image to one that is slimmer and healthier.

The mind-body connection is a powerful one two punch when it comes to losing weight.
This article was brought to you by Christopher Montrose of NaturalHypnosis.com where you can learn more about using your mind to help you lose weight here: http://naturalhypnosis.com/weight-loss-hypnosis
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_Montrose

Weight Loss Tips And Plans For The Young Generation

One of the most controversial trends seen among young girls these days is their desire to be skinny. Some people are naturally skinny and that mostly doesn't cause any kind of health issues but the problem occurs when girls try and lose weight to be skinny by crash dieting or worse - starving! These weight loss techniques are very dangerous, not to mention unhealthy. But that doesn't have to be the scene all the time. Your goal should be to stay fit and in shape. So get rid of those excess fatty tissues in a healthy manner without risking your wellbeing.

Some unique weight loss tips for all

Here are some proven and efficient weight loss tips which you can incorporate in your daily life to get in shape, without having to starve yourself-

a) Avoid sugary drinks

Like sugary drinks like sodas and sweetened lemon juice? Well, did you know that with just 4 such drinks, you are actually consuming 68 packets of sugar! Want to avoid this? Before you reach out for that bottle of cranberry sweet juice, make something at home. Get the fruit and make the juice yourself. Instead of going for packaged drinks have something natural. Fruits are antioxidants and they also don't give you a lot of calorie trouble.

b) Get used to having green tea

Like the taste of tea? Go for green tea with a hint of lemon. Green tea not only helps in weight loss by increasing your body's metabolism rate, but it also helps in reducing risks of cardiac problems and some cancers as well.
c) Walk, move, run

When you have to go up or down a building and have to cover 2 or 3 floors, take the stairs. Parking your car at the mall? Park your car further away from the main entrance, so that you can have an excuse to walk that extra distance. When you sit at your office or if you're reading a book, shake your legs or chew on gum. Any kind of movement increases metabolism rate.

d) Take care of cravings and binging

The smell of coffee is known to be a hunger suppressant. You should weigh yourself before any time you have a meal. Watching your weight before a meal can motivate you to stay away from greasy and sugary food stuffs.

e) Water- Make it your best friend

Water helps in cleansing the systems, gives your body help in metabolizing and if you have a glass of water 45 minutes before a meal, it'll help you stay a bit full and you won't overeat.

f) Spices

Add spices to your food as it raises your metabolism.

g) Feel uncomfortable going to a Gym?

Try exercising at home using an online fitness club. They can offer tailored workouts and provide 24/7 support helping you to achieve the results you want

Diet plans online

You can find several diet plans and tips online. Before you diet, ask your doctor about the details of the plan you're about to follow. If you take a website's help to go for a plan to lose weight, make sure that it's a registered site. The diet you follow might not suit your friend. So it's always safe to get your diet chart approved by a dietician.
Bryden McKinnie
Further resources and fitness tips can be found on my blog
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bryden_McKinnie

Losing and Managing Weight Is Easy!

It is a universal fact that the obese cannot live a healthy life because they are likely to suffer from a number of health problems, including diabetes, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and joint pain. Therefore, each and every physician on the Earth advises them to lose weight. In the endeavour to shed weight, most of the obese start skipping their meals, which is not considered a good idea because of the fact that our body needs fat to burn fat. Some also try exercising, which can do wonders if it is performed regularly and properly.

After losing weight successfully, many people regain it in 3-4 months. It happens because they stop doing exercises and start eating every tempting food that comes in their way. In order to maintain their newly achieved weight, they must continue following the lifestyle that they were following in their process of losing weight. Some easy to follow tips to help them maintain weight are:

•Go for long walks: Go for a long walk in a tree-lined path or in a lush green garden. In addition to burning calories, it will calm down your senses. If walking alone is boring for you, call your best friend and take him/her along.

•Outdoor activities: Do not miss even a single chance to participate in any type of outdoor activity. Since these activities include lots of walking, running and climbing, you can easily shed some kilos.

•Eat vegetables: Vegetables like cabbage, carrots, beans, broccoli and lettuce are low in calories; therefore, their consumption is good for every obese or overweight.

•Do not even look at tempting food: It is really hard to resist cravings for tempting food; thus, do not even look at them. Since chocolates, cakes, pastries and other types of delectable food are high in calories, you must avoid their intake.

•Drink more water: Drinking plenty of water is helpful as it will protect you from overeating every time you sit down for a meal.

Though the above-mentioned suggestions are useful, you can also consider contacting any of the reliable medical weight loss clinics. These clinics offer professional services for losing and maintaining weight, in addition to free diet plan and consultation. The weight loss programs offered by them have helped thousands in slimming themselves down and attaining great fitness levels. These programs include some simple steps, which have been designed for people from all walks of life.

Gaurav Mahajan writes on behalf of California Medical Weight Management, which is counted among the distinguished medical weight loss clinics. The clinic offers three-step weight loss program in three locations of California and two of Texas.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gauravyng_Mahajan

On A Scale of 1 to 10, Where Is Your Motivation To Lose Weight?

Motivation is such a peculiar thing. It can be the entire difference between success and failure. Completing a task or leaving it to be finished at another time.

Motivation by definition is the reason, or reasons, one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. When someone is wholeheartedly motivated to do something, there is literally nothing that will stand in their way to be successful. The motivated individual will more likely accomplish their goal, since quitting is not an option.
For instance, if someone is truly motivated to learn how to play tennis, naturally they will purchase a racquet, tennis balls, and the appropriate clothing, but in no way does it stop there.

The motivated individual will take tennis lessons, watch videos that teach proper technique, check out books from the library, practice regularly, do strengthening exercises at home to help build stamina and lessen the likelihood for injury, and possibly even join a tennis club/group that meets weekly in a nearby city.

You can tell this person's motivation is undeniable and if this amount of effort continues, he or she will become proficient at tennis in a relatively short amount of time.

This holds true for any endeavor you seek to accomplish. The more motivated you are, the more likely you will do what is necessary to be successful. Unfortunately success is not handed to you on a silver platter. You have to take steps and be proactive in order to make it happen.

In regards to the topic of losing weight, you definitely need motivation to consistently make changes in how you live your day to day life. It will mean making substantial changes to what you eat at each meal. It will mean making drastic changes to the types of snacks and drinks you consume throughout the day. It will mean getting some type of regular exercise if your doctor has given you the clearance.

In essence, it' a change in lifestyle. What you eat and do on a day to day basis.

This is why the more motivated you are to lose weight, the more likely you will follow through with this commitment and make the necessary changes so that your goal becomes a reality. You will find that if you are only half-heartedly motivated to lose weight, then when you are faced with tough decisions such as to eat fast food, or snack late at night, or go out drinking with friends, you will continue to make the choices that helped get you where you are today.

Only when you are truly motivated to lose weight will you be willing to make the sacrifices to eat healthy everyday, to avoid snacking on items that you know are detrimental to weight loss, and opt to drink water instead of alcohol.

Therefore, ask yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), how motivated are you to lose weight? Is this something you truly want and are willing to make some definite changes to your lifestyle in order to make it happen?

Think about that for a moment and determine what level of importance losing weight is to you. If you find that your motivation is truly peaked and you are ready to truly tackle the process of losing weight, then you will find the struggle will be less intense and the decisions to eat in a healthy manner will be a welcome transformation.
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight. Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. Find the latest information at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/how-to-reduce-weight-today
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez

Benefits Of Physician Assisted Weight Loss

Of late, a huge amount of increase has been observed in the number of people suffering from obesity. Over 33 percent of adult Americans are observed to be obese as per the data from the Center of Disease Control. Hence people opt for physician assisted weight loss programs in order to shed off the extra pounds in their body. The testimonials of such programs reveal that weight loss can be achieved in considerable amounts. However, a thorough research is necessary in order to get a safe and secure plan.

While selecting a physician assisted this program, one should go for the program which will suit one's budget. Length of visits and their frequency will differ among the practitioners. Few plans include beverages, packaged meals, low-glycemic food and self-selected diet plans options.

The advantages and warnings of such programs should be taken into consideration. Loss of weight due to low calorie diet plans can motivate one to continue the plan. Moreover, advantages of weight loss also comprise decreased blood pressure, reduced fat and increased glycemic control. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute has stated that people with psychiatric conditions, pregnant and lactating women and persons with major medical issues where low calorie plan can make conditions worse; should not go for weight loss therapy.

Here are some of the benefits of Physician assisted weight loss programs

1. Benefits due to dedicated Medical Staff

Medical staff plays a significant role in this program. Well-trained physicians and a variety of health personnel have great contribution to the success of the programs. Select programs with a core team of physician dedicated to the weight loss program. The staff should also comprise of exercise physiologists or well trained fitness staff, nurses, medical personnel, registered dietitian and also a therapist or a counselor.

2. Advantages of Supplements Associated in program

Some physician assisted programs include minerals and/or vitamins in vitamins in pill or injectable form. Not all of them have significance in supporting the weight loss but yet are often part of fees of this programs. Reduction of fat is the main purpose to be achieved from any plan to get rid of obesity.
3. Gene Testing

A trend in planning of meals includes genetic make-up testing also known as DNA testing or nutrigenomics. The testing is yet quite new, so as of now results might not be accurate. Still, try looking this testing to be a permanent part of many meal planning programs and health visits.

4. Maintenance provided by program after the desired weight is achieved

A physician-assisted weight loss program will be the most advantageous to a consumer when it includes a maintenance segment. While shopping for a program to lose weight, determine what support and eating plans are provided once the desired weight is achieved.

Strong evidence in support of low-calorie meal programs to lose weight is reported by the Evidence Analysis Library of American Dietetic Association. Opt for weight loss programs which have evidence in the science. It means that a lot of research studies with strong data and valid results are in support of program structure and its claims. With so many benefits as listed above you can opt for a physician assisted weight loss program with assurance. The physician provides a standard of care, a person to trust, and the criterion to have a program that has science, medicine, supplements, and a long term lifestyle program that you can follow for life.

The staff at BodyRx is dedicated to our clients and we offer individualized care and are committed to providing each patient with the highest level of service. We know you want to look your best and want to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. For more details e-mail at tammy@bodyrxlouisville.com or call (502) 882 8680.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tammy_B

Want to Lose Weight? Don't Cook Your Food!

We all know that there are several weight loss programs that exist on the market to today but very few are as simple as eating a raw food diet. Many foods become much more calorific when cooked, especially if they are seasoned prior to cooking or cooked in a way which is high in fat, such as frying. A meal which is fried or baked using butter or oil can have as much as 25 per cent more calories than the uncooked ingredients alone.

Eating raw foods, in particular raw vegetables, can help you limit your weight loss efforts, as you can eat relatively high amounts of raw vegetables throughout the day taking in a lot of calories. This not only makes you feel fuller all day but it does not have the negative impact of you piling on those pesky pounds.

Forbes magazine documented a study conducted by a group of scientists who analysed lab rats over a forty day period. One group of rats were give raw foods to eat while the other group were given cooked foods. The results suggested that raw food consumption does result in greater weight loss then cooked foods.
What kinds of Raw Foods Should I be Eating?

a.) Ensure that you are drinking a lot of water: Start your day off with water (lemon water is also a good alternative) and try to drink as much water as you can throughout the day. Sip slowly to increase your absorption rate. Pure fruit juices and smoothies are also a good option.

b.) Go Green: Dark and leafy greens are perfect for lunch times. Try eating lots of raw vegetables such as broccoli, sprouts, carrots, salad (rocket leaves are a good example) and sprouted chickpeas. Vegetables, especially dark green veggies are packed with vitamins and nutrients which have a large variety of nutritional and weight loss benefits.

c.) Watch what you are eating before bed time: Many nutritionists do not advise eating after 8PM, with some even saying that it is not advisable after 6PM. This is because it is difficult for your body to digest large quantities of food while you sleep and as a consequence, the food is more likely to turn into fat and weight gain.

The benefits of eating uncooked foods may not stop there however. Studies have suggested that people who eat raw foods are less likely to suffer from skin conditions such as acne and also tend to have healthier, vibrant, longer hair. There is also some evidence which suggests that a raw food diet increases your libido.

There are many benefits of eating uncooked foods but always remember to ensure that you wash your vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating them. Cooking food kills any bacteria which may cause illness so in order to ensure that you are not consuming any unwanted bacteria or pesticides always remember to wash your raw food thoroughly.

Until next time,

Nadine Douglas
Do you want to lose weight for long term success? Click here now for your free reports, recipes, videos and bonus materials!! http://www.flatbellynow.org
Nadine 'Diet Coach' Douglas lost over 25 pounds after being overweight most of her adult life. She now runs a successful weight loss website which gives information about great resources which can help you lose weight and be healthy for long term success.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nadine_A_Douglas

Eating Right to Get the Body You Want

There is more to building muscle than lifting weights for hours and hours at the gym. That applies to losing or gaining weight, and also to remaining fit if you're already blessed with a fit physique. Diet plays an important role - sorry a more important role - if your goal is to gain weight, lose weight or remaining fit. For me personally, a good body is made only 50% in the gym, the other 50% is made in the kitchen.

First, what is your goal? Is it gaining weight and muscle? Or is it losing weight and fat? Or are you just looking to maintain your excellent, God given fit body? Whatever your goal is, I'd like you to remember the input-output rule. This is the cardinal rule that you should follow whatever your ultimate goal is.

Your body needs energy to function. That energy is derived from the foods you eat. Energy is measured in calories, and an average human needs around 2500 calories a day to function. And if you are highly active, you'd need more calories to sustain and not burn out. However, if you consume more calories than what you need, you are more likely to store the extra, unspent calories in your body, and this stored energy is what will slowly transform into fat and extra weight gain. Eat fewer calories than what your body needs, then you will lose weight. If there is a balance between what you eat and what you burn, you will remain static. Meaning, you will neither gain weight nor lose it.

If you want to lose weight and fat

By now you'd have guessed what to do if you want to lose weight and fat. Simple. Eat fewer calories than what your body requires or burn more calories than what you consume. By eating fewer calories your body will get its energy from the stored energy in your body. This means you will get leaner and fitter with each passing day. So the rules for losing weight and fat are: consume foods that are low on calories, work out or indulge in physical activities that burn more calories, and consume foods that are high in protein because protein digests slower keeping your metabolism active, and also builds muscle, and muscle helps keep fat away.

If you want to gain weight and muscle

You can eat all you want, but to put on the right kind of weight, which is through muscle and not fat, you have to eat the right kind of foods. Pack your food with complex carbs and lot of protein. Though people who want to gain muscle and weight can indulge once in a while on fatty foods, it is advisable not to go overboard because not only will you put on weight through fat, you'd also end up being unhealthy. So, eat healthy foods rich in protein and carbs, and do not burn it all off, and you will slowly start seeing gains in size, weight and muscle.

If you want to remain healthy and fit
Well, keep going the same way because whatever you are doing right now you're probably doing it right. However, please remember this. What works for you now might not work for you in another 10 years from now; because as we age our metabolism slows down thereby losing our ability to burn fat, and the muscle constituent in our body slowly gets replaced by fat. When that happens, simply remember the input-output rule.
Rajiv Karran co-founded a blog http://healthyandfit.in/, and encourages all fitness lovers to visit it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rajiv_Karran

How To Lose Arm Fat: Best Workout For 2013

Who hasn't seen that meme on the Internet that shows a picture at a wedding with a woman in front and a girl behind her? The caption below reads "that awkward moment when your friend's fat arms make you look naked."

Is that you?

Do you look at the mirror wondering what happened to you? How your arms got so big? Is there a secret to losing arm fat in a week and can you reduce it and not have sagging skin hanging down? Is there anything you can do?

Well here's a good secret! It's called Push and Pull. Well honestly it just sounds like the instructions you see on a door but they mean so much more. Push works the muscles of your shoulders and triceps while pull works the biceps. If you learn how to work these muscles, you can be guaranteed to lose arm fat in less than a week and see miraculous changes. The tip here is to make sure you focus on one part of the muscle instead of doing general works out. Your legs and even your tummy have a better chance of losing fat than your arms if you don't do it right. You really don't want to be the fat arm friend, now do you?

So there has to be some secret, some magic that can reduce flabby arms in an instant.

Guess what?

There is!

Let's talk about working out the push muscles, the shoulders and triceps. What you need is a couch or a resistance band. A couch with an arm can be found almost anywhere and resistance bands can be bought from any store for a reasonable price. The trick with the couch is sitting next to the arm of a couch and hanging your arm over it. Let your arm hang and extend it very slowly and then bring it back up. By doing this you are tightening your muscles and repeat for 20-50 reps.

Repeat this on the arm and you can reduce fat quickly. Guess what? There's another quick way of losing arm fat! Stand and hold the resistance band in each arm and pull sideways. You are definitely going to feel the muscles in your arms working.

Do this for as long as you want but don't over work yourself. You don't want to be sore and be in pain by the time you are done. Those two exercises work out your triceps but what about your biceps? With those same resistance bands! Place the resistance band on the floor and step on them. Grab the ends and make an ex with them. Pull up and down and that not only works your arms but your tummy too! Now you know a thing or two for your arms, you don't have an excuse!
Visit our blog, for workout plans, meal plans, organic foods, and what fruits are doing you more harm then good. http://theflabbyarmworkout.com/reducearmfat
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edward_E_Laureldale
