
A Diet Plan to Suit Every Individual

Although a diet program may work for a close friend, it could have an entirely different effect on you as this is due to each person's different metabolism. Consequently, to lose weight effectively a number of other things need to be taken into account as well, your height, bone structure, weight are just a few but there are more. So, embarking on one of the many generic weight loss programs that are available can become soul-destroying and fruitless.

But with the "Anything Goes" diet plan program, as well as being less stressful than most, it will be sculptured around you and your specific needs. In addition, an in-depth plan which incorporates one-to-one advice is available via email, if required. The nutrition expert and personal trainer, John Barban, will be on hand to answer any questions that may arise in your quest to lose those unwanted pounds.

Nobody plans to become fat and it does not happen over-night but if your weight is beginning to spiral out of control, then you could be looking at a great number of health problems in the future. Obesity has become a major problem and embarrassment throughout the worlds developed countries and although many of these countries have become more powerful, their populations have grown fatter.

As well as the many problems that obesity causes it has been a drain on the economies of these nations, for some time, much to the distress of the leaders and politicians concerned. Continuing to talk to the masses and offering advice has some effect but you cannot advise people who do not want to listen.

The fast food culture that has gripped many individuals is a multi-billion dollar industry which is constantly increasing. For this reason, a lucrative income can be earned by many people and rocking the fast food boat too much is not an option. Although the occasional burger and fries does no harm at all, to continually live on such foods without any form of exercise could become fatal.

Consequently, if you are over weight it is time to snap out of your comfort zone and do something about it. This does not mean eliminating fat completely or living only on fruit; it means signing up to one of the best weight loss programs, "Anything Goes" and taking the advice of a professional to suit your personal requirements. By doing this, you will improve your quality of life accordingly.

To find out more information and how you can reduce your weight without the stress which accompanies many weight loss plans and also has an adverse affect on your health, visit http://www.dietfreely.weebly.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_R_Charles

Healthy Foods To Eat If You Want To Lose Weight

A lot of people who are overweight are tormented by their self-image. Some know they need to lose weight but don't have the motivation and commitment to do what it takes. Many understand the health risks and continue in their bad eating habits. There is good news for these types of people. You can eat a lot and still lose weight! You need to eat the right kind of food though. What are some healthy foods to lose weight with? Lets take a look at a few.

Healthy Foods to Lose Weight

Soups are a healthy alternate to heavy meals. Eating soup for lunch or dinner is a great choice. Soups made from vegetables like tomatoes, beans, onions, and mushrooms are very healthy and low in calories. A big bowl of mixed vegetable soup or a chicken soup for breakfast quickly fills your stomach. It is also easy to digest and helps you start the day with good amount of energy.

Eggs are rich in protein and can replace most of your high calorie foods. An egg sandwich provides a good amount of energy and protein which is good to start your day with. It has healthy carbohydrates that get converted to energy. Usually a glass of milk and an egg is best to have as breakfast. This has few calories and helps put your hunger off during the day.

Green tea is often used for slimming down and the reduction of weight. The presence of "catechins", an anti-oxidant in green tea, boosts your metabolism. This helps your body burn more calories. It also helps in reducing bad cholesterol that contributes to weight gain.

Salads are always the best source of proteins, vitamins, calcium and carbohydrates, and fulfill the need for many types of nutrients required for your body. Particular vegetables found in salad, help you fight weight and reduce it effectively. A salad made with broccoli is a great source of fiber and calcium. Cabbage, which is rich in vitamin C, helps with immunity. Lettuce is lowest in calories. Radishes has potassium and folic acid that helps in digestion. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and low in calories. A Salad with these vegetables is a power house for energy and rich nutrients.

Apples are a low calorie fruit that is rich in fiber. Since fiber intake helps in weight reduction, an apple is a good choice to replace part of your daily meals. Apples are beneficial for our health and hence the saying goes "an apple a day keeps doctors away".

Almonds are nuts with high content of fiber that boost fat burning process when consumed in breakfasts. Other benefits of almonds include memory gain and prevent hair loss.

Oats, another rich source of fiber, helps reduce weight effectively if it is replaced with one or two meals per day. Dried oats are used in breakfast cereals and are beneficial for people looking to reduce calorie intake. A bowl of Oats with a glass of milk and a few almond bits makes a great and healthy breakfast. If you haven't noticed it yet, foods that are rich in fiber are always a healthy choice.

Losing weight comes down to a choice. Do you want to lose weight? Yes, or no? If we answer yes, we will do what it takes to get there. What it takes is one choice at a time. Eating these healthy foods to lose weight in place of your unhealthy snacks and fats is a great way to become a healthier you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Casey_Stubbs

Lose Body Fat And Keep Your Muscles: 5 Important Things

Fat loss and weight loss are two different things. If you want to lose weight, it's a very simple formula.
Calories you burn through physical activity, or what your body uses up, needs to be more than the calories you consume. But if you want to lose body fat, there are specific strategies which have been proven to work. There are some things you must learn to make fat loss a quicker and simpler process. In this article I have laid out five strategies you need to know in order for you to be successful in losing body fat.

Starvation doesn't help you lose body fat

To start things off, you must bust an age-old myth about dieting. Instead of starving yourself, you must start your day off with a protein rich breakfast. I high-protein diet will help you feel less hungry between meals, and protein is what your body basically runs on base. A couple of examples of foods that are high in protein are, chicken breasts, egg white, skim milk, Turkey. These examples are also low in saturated fat which I will explain more about below.

Saturated fats versus non-saturated fats

It wasn't too long ago, that nutritional facts labels were put on foods you buy in stores. These labels tell us what's in the foods we eat. The things we want to pay attention to when we are trying to burn fat are, protein, carbohydrates, fat breakdown(polyunsaturates, monounsaturates, saturated), and fiber.

Look at the type of fats.

Saturated fats are less dense and stick to the walls of your arteries. They are the fats which are difficult to work off your body. So choosing foods with low saturated fat will help you to lose fat faster. Choosing more foods like I talked about above, and choosing complex carbohydrates (brown rice, sprouted whole wheat bread), which are higher in polyunsaturated, and monounsaturates fats will help you stay leaner.

Eat more often

Yes, you read that right. Eating more often tells your body it doesn't need to be in starvation mode, and it will give up the fat reserves more freely, so to speak. Of course these meals and snacks should be high in protein and low in saturated fats.

Boost your metabolism

One of the best tips I can give you for fat loss, is to raise your body metabolism. There are a few things you can do to boost your metabolism so your body will burn more calories throughout the day. One of the more natural ways to raise your metabolism is to eat a good breakfast. I'm repeating myself here to make you realize the importance of fueling your body the right way at the right times.

Natural caffeine or guarana found in green tea and some supplements are good for boosting metabolism, but you have to use them in moderation, because you don't want to feel irritated, or panicky. You just want to boost your metabolism.

While some supplements are a OK to use in your initial fat burning stage, (which is the hardest), like "Zentrex", there are others which should be avoided like, a Ephedrine. Getting results is important, but losing your health because you wanted fast results can make you regret taking the risk.

* One more important tip for a better metabolism. After you eat, drink hot tea or another hot beverage, as it helps your stomach digest your food better.

Special exercises

There are many different types of exercises, but there is only one type which is specifically designed to burn more fat off your body than any other form of exercise. The type are referring to is aerobic exercises. Don't let that word scare you, these aerobic routines can be real fun.

I think I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking treadmills, and cardio. That's not really what it's all about. The specialize aerobic exercises are designed for maximum fat burn. There are a whole bunch of diverse exercises that you'll need, so you'll be able to target each area. If you're like me, you'll likely want to follow a workout plan or video to give you some organized structure from a knowledgabe trainer. There are some really good workout programs available.

To lose body fat, it takes special exercises combined with a good diet plan. If you want results faster, there are fat loss programs which are proven to get results.

Everything you do takes you closer to OR away from your goal to lose body fat. "Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat fast, while protecting your hard-earned muscle.
I guarantee you that Turbulence Training will successfully guide you to the fat loss goal you desire. Read this review of Turbulence Training and take a 21 day trial. Click here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=L_Adams

Yoga Activity for Weight Loss

When trying to lose body fat do you envision exercises of long, strenuous and high intensity activities?

You are not alone. Many think that in order to lose body fat they have to participate in high intensity and sometimes painful exercises and this is simply not true.

You can lose the weight by doing a variety of fun and enjoyable low intensity exercises and yoga is a prime example.

Yoga offers strength training and builds muscle. This is done by holding these poses for extended periods of time, which works the muscles throughout the entire body. This breaks down and causes minuscule tears in the muscle so they can build back up by becoming stronger and bigger than before.

Yoga also helps your body to burn fat which in turn helps you to get the fit, healthy and tone look. Yoga requires endurance to hold those poses, builds strength and muscles. Yoga is a great stress buster and requires great focus and calm. Stress can have a negative effect on your digestion, sleep and your body's metabolism.

Overcoming stress will bring you mental clarity in losing weight and achieving your goal to a healthy body.
Losing weight does not have to be restricted to yoga or exercises that are full of strain and struggle. You can make them fun, interesting and burn a lot of calories. In fact there are many ways you can lose weight, biking, hiking, swimming and walking; these are just a few ideas you can do anytime in the day or evening.

Find an activity you enjoy or make a list of other activities you might like to try. You might want to share with a friend or join a group to motivate you and become more active. You may want to reach out to others who face the same obstacles and are working towards the same goals. Make a plan and create goals, this is a sure way of weight loss success.

Stay committed to your exercise program. Walk every day. Stay committed to taking at least 10,000 steps each day. Enjoy the benefits that exercise can provide including good mental health, blood flow, and a balanced metabolism.

Include water it helps to flush toxins from your body and helps you stay healthy and strong. Once you lose the weight and to keep it off, change your life style and adopt habits that will give your life longevity and good health.
Click here to get more information
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alex_D_Tom

Foods to Help Lose Belly Fat - Types of Food to Eat to Lose Belly Fat Successfully

Understanding the different types of foods to eat in order to lose belly fat is of utmost importance.

Well planned diets have to be balanced proportionally in order to obtain the best results to lose fat.

Not only will a well planned diet help you to lose weight, but it will improve your general health as well.

The first part of the food chain is proteins. There are two types of proteins which are commonly called "main" and "secondary" proteins. The "main" types of proteins are the body repairers which are: yogurt, egg yolk, cheese and organ meats such as liver and kidney. The "secondary" proteins cannot promote reparation on their own. These proteins are found in beans such as: dry kidney beans, dry peas, egg white and lentils.
These are only a few of the different forms of the many protein types available. Both types of protein have to be eaten for the best results to keep the body firm and in top shape.

The second part of the food chain is Fats. Incorporating fats in the diet is very important because they supply us with the energy levels that are required for us to function correctly in our daily lives. People, who are very active physically, burn up more energy and are therefore able to incorporate more fats in their diets. Fats are the most concentrated source of energy; however, there are good fats and bad fats. To lose belly fat you have to cut down your fat intake.

Sugar and fats are burned up together to produce energy. Sugar plays an important role in burning up fats. Fats, as we mentioned have two types, so does sugar have two types, namely, fructose and glucose. These sugars may be found in most forms of fruit and vegetables and are natural sugars. There are also sugars known as sucrose and lactose. Sucrose sugars come from white table sugar (cane extracts), maple syrup, black molasses and many more. Lactose is derived from the sugar in milk. Similar to fats, there are good sugars and bad sugars for human consumption. The bad sugars are the ones found in soda drinks, candy, milk chocolate, white bread, refined flour products, refined white cane sugars and many more which build up and store excess fat in the body. The good sugars can be found in fresh fruit, vegetables and honey.

In conclusion; the types of food, the amount of food and the types of liquid you drink, play a major role in your daily diet. A good diet must consist of sufficient protein intake which, when combined with the essential fatty acids and carbohydrates regime, will control your perfect weight, keep you healthy and help you to lose belly fat.
Learn more about Foods to help Lose Belly Fat By Visiting Here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Beck

Green Tea and How It Helps With Weight Loss!

Does Green tea help with losing weight? Will it help eliminate some of that "extra fat"?

Surprisingly, more than often you'll that the tea or the extract is included in many of the weight loss supplements on the market today.

Why do supplement companies like to incorporate Green tea in their diet products?

Well, mainly because it has numerous health benefits that will help the body in many areas and ways. If you were to go to PubMed.com and do a search for green tea, you could easily find over 1,000 studies performed on green tea and the components it has. Possible benefits are being researched that include fat loss, antioxidant activity, cancer control, cognitive development, general health and well-being.

If you have problems maintaining glucose, it may be worthwhile as a glucose regulator, meaning it will slow the growth in blood sugar following a meal.

It's a really strong anti-oxidant, just like Beta-carotene and Vitamin C. The active ingredient EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), could possibly be up to 200 times more powerful than vitamin E as an oxidant. You can help towards your weight loss just by having a few cups each day. You could also purchase a supplement with green tea in it that will also help towards your goals. Their are many kinds, whether it be in pill form as a supplement, or also in a great deal of multi-vitamins on the marketplace. I recommend purchasing a high quality herbal leaf, preferably all-natural. One I would highly recommend is Matcha Super Green Tea.

The tea's extract is a source of caffeine, and is quite often used as the caffeine portion of many well known fat burners. Of course caffeine is well known for its "fat burning" properties. The all-natural tea helps aid toward weight loss by boosting the metabolic rate, which in turn helps the consumer to burn more calories. Ingestion of catechins (catechins are a major element of the extract) leads to both a reduction of body fat and can help to lower bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).

It may also improve with fatty acid synthase. Fatty acid synthase is an enzymatic system that is involved in the process of turning carbs into fat. Indulging green tea high in catechins lowers cardiovascular risks in addition to reducing body fat. You will find many parts to green teas weight reduction benefits. These involve an increased metabolism, decreasing of triglyceride levels, a positive effect on insulin regulation and blood sugar, and quite possibly the inhibiting of certain enzymes which are necessary for the processing of carbs and fats.
If you've struggled with losing weight in the past and just haven't found the correct way. Let me help you, and make available to you some of the easiest tips and advice to meet your personal goals. I'll even share with you the ways I reached my killer body here: Green Tea and Weight Loss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tanner_M_Caden

How To Naturally Speed Up Your Metabolism With Food

Without even realising it, many people are actually hindering their body's ability to burn fat effectively due to the type of foods they avoid eating when trying to lose weight.

As we age our metabolism naturally slows down due to stress, hormone changes and the loss of muscle. In general a woman who's diet never changes will put on 1.5lbs each year throughout her life. This weight gain adds up to 40lbs by the time she reaches the age of 50.

However it doesn't have to be like this because research has been carried out and proves this middle age spread and slower metabolism can be prevented with just a few simple tips that will speed up your metabolism.

The biggest tip is to ensure each meal you eat throughout the day is at least 400 calories as this amount is enough to refuel your body, and satisfy your food cravings.

1- Do not starve yourself, never allow your self feel hungry. Eating small and regular meals throughout the day will help with this, as allowing yourself become hungry causes you to overeat as you have less control over your actions when you do eventually get food.

2- Don't feel you have to avoid caffeine altogether because its bad for you, a little every now and again is good because believe it or not it will give your metabolism a kick start. Hence the reason there are so many diet pills out there with caffeine as one of its ingredients.

3- White carbohydrates are believed to be the worst thing you can eat, but in fact you can still eat them in smaller less frequent amounts. Of course choosing the wholegrain option is much better as it keep your digestive system working at its best and prevents constipation, therefore speeds up your metabolism.

4- Make sure when your drinking water that you keep a bottle handy in the fridge as drinking cold water burns more calories as the body heats it up to body temperature.

If you where to drink it at room temperature the body wouldn't have to do as much work getting it up to body temperature. Also a study has shown that if you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day it will keep your metabolism up to speed as a dehydrated body has an ineffective fat burning ability.

5- Make sure your getting enough dairy products as they are rich in calcium and vitamin D which are essential for weight loss and a speedy metabolism.

6- Don't be afraid to spice up your food, as this will give your metabolism a kick start and keeping it working fast for a few hours after eating it.

7- Finally make sure you are getting enough protein, the reason for this is because when the body burns protein off it uses more calories than it would if it where burning of fats and carbohydrates.
These are just a few basics steps to follow to ensure your metabolism is working at its best all day long.
If you would like to see more of my work you can visit: Fenburn Fat Burner or why not check out Athlete Body Comparison
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Reynolds

Can You Drink Coffee or Tea to Lose Weight?

Losing weight is a multi-billion dollar industry. Many companies have offer you special magic pills or juices that claim to help you with weight loss, however, some of the side effects can be very dangerous. Companies like Hydroxy Cut claimed to help you to lose weight, but there were many cases where people were hospitalized. There was a huge buzz around coffee and tea when it came to losing weight. Coffee and Tea only has one element that may help with weight loss and that is caffeine. You will have to drink large quantities of coffee or tea to have any weight loss effect, however, the side effects of caffeine will start to kick in. Some of these side effects are:

1. Panic attacks
2. Addiction
3. Dehydration
4. PMS
5. Emotional fatigue

In the last three to four years, there has been a new kind of coffee and tea that's been coming out on the market. They infused a special herb in the coffee and tea without changing it's taste. The special herb is called ganoderma lucidum. It has been used in china for 4000 years to cure many diseases. Obviously in the western society, you can't say a herb can cure anything or it will be redeemed a pharmaceutical. Let's just say, it assists your body to help fight diseases.

Can coffee or tea with ganoderma in it help you to lose weight? The answer is yes, there has been many studies on ganoderma. Just be careful where you read the information, there are many companies out there that are trying dis-courage people from taking ganoderma because it's hurting their profits. If you see anything about ganoderma being dangerous, those are false claims. Like I said earlier, the Chinese has been using ganoderma for 4000 years, its 100% safe to use. Ganoderma helps neutralize your blood sugar levels. We all know extra sugar means it will be stored into your fat supplies eventually if it's not used. Another benefit to ganoderma is it's ability to increase your metabolism. A faster metabolism is the main key to weight loss. This just simply means your body is burning more calories by itself in your day to day activities. Other benefits to ganoderma are but are not limited to:

1. Oxygenates the body.
2. Provides more energy and vigor.
3. Natural body detoxification.
4. Supports quality of sleep.
5. Supports blood circulation.
6. Supports the immune system.
7. Promotes health and longetivity.
8. Over 200 nutrients and anti-oxidants (more than any other herb on the planet)

What is the best way to drink this coffee or tea with ganoderma in it for maximum weight loss potential. For best results I found is to drink coffee or tea with ganoderma is 30 minutes before you eat any food. I noticed it helps suppress your appetite because it floods you body with nutrients. In addition, the ganoderma will be in your blood stream to help neutralize any extra sugar.

To purchase the best coffee or tea with 100% certified ganoderma extract, please visit: http://www.worldsbesthealthycoffee.com
I want to tell you about my personal results when it comes to weight loss with our coffee and tea with ganoderma. In the month of November, I have personally lost 10 pounds. All I did different is drink the black coffee 30 minutes before I ate. I have hundreds of customers that have gave me their testimonials about the product and how it helped them to be healthy. Now I am not making any claims, these are experiences of what people had.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jesse_Singh

New Year's Motivation and Its Role In Weight Loss

One of the best times to begin a commitment to lose weight is at the start of a new year. Most people are more energetic to stay focused towards that overall goal, especially during the first month of a new year. The majority of people are amply motivated, so effort will be the greatest resulting in a much better devotion to the task.

Jump on this opportunity and use it to your advantage. The new year just started so it's not too late to begin with a resolution to lose weight and develop a healthier life.

If you are truly motivated to lose weight, you'll be willing to make important changes in the way you live your life. You will be willing to take the steps necessary to move towards accomplishing this goal. That's why motivation is key to help create success.

Regardless of what is trying to be accomplished, when a person is motivated they will be willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve their goal. For instance, if someone is truly motivated to learn a new sport, then this person will do whatever it takes to ensure they learn the new skill.

That would most likely mean hours of practicing, possibly taking classes, reading books, watching training videos, etc. Digesting all that is available in order to become proficient at the new sport.

The point is, only someone who is truly motivated to learn the new sport will do all this. They will take action and through consistent effort they will gradually improve and eventually become proficient. Sitting on the couch and merely hoping to get better at a sport will do nothing to improve the situation.

Find your motivation for weight loss, the true reason why you want to shed those excess pounds. Maybe you are motivated to lose weight in order to get ready for the summer beach season that's five months away and want to look good in a bathing suit. Maybe you are going to be in a wedding as a bridesmaid/groomsman and want to fit in the tighter fitting formal wear associated with this ceremony. Possibly you went to the doctor recently and were advised that losing weight should be a priority for you due to health risks associated with being overweight or obese.

Whatever the reason why you want to lose weight, motivation is key for success. Find what is your motivating factor and use that as your fuel to keep you going until you accomplish your overall goal.
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides to a step-by-step manual to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start getting into shape at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/how-to-reduce-weight-today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez

5 Key Elements to Help You Choose a Great Weight Loss Program

You want to lose weight but you feel like you don't exactly know how or where to start. Your appearance is worse than ever, you feel rotten about the way you feel and to top it off, you are beginning to seriously worry about the future of your health.

Well fear not! It's not as hard to get started on a great weight loss program as you might think. Now I don't necessarily mean one of those big conglomerates. You know the ones I'm talking about. Unless of course you think they are right for you. But now you wouldn't be reading this if you did.

So here are five key elements to look for when choosing a program that matches your needs.

1.) Does is fit your Lifestyle?

Everyone trying to lose weight is not the same. Joe works 14 hours a day, is stressed out and barely sleeps five hours a night. Jane is a stay at home Mom and can't quite keep her hand out of the cookie jar. These two cases will require different plans to get their weight loss program to fit their lifestyle.

Joe will need some serious help and constant reminders of what to do, when to do it, how to eat, when to eat and so on. He will also probably need some quick but healthy meal tips too. Well let's face it, he needs a babysitter!

Jane needs to be more focused and occupied. She snacks because of boredom. A solid plan for quick little exercises throughout the day and healthy snack suggestions may be all she needs to get on the right course.

2.) Is it focused on long-term Sustainability?

If you have been fighting your weight even for only a short amount of time, you probably know how many fad diets are out there. The cabbage soup diet, the Hollywood diet, the apple cider and vinegar diet, the 3 day diet and the list goes on and on. They all promise the quick fix to shed pounds fast but the fact is they are not built to last. They are not a lifestyle, which is what you need for the long term.

Most fad diets deprive you of the nutrients your body needs so they put you at risk for health issues if you remain on them too long. The end result is that while you may lose a few pounds initially, you will eventually gain it back and then some. That's because these diets are not made for the long term.

3.) Does it require any Exotic ingredients?

Have you ever heard of Maca? How about Cacao? What about Goji Berries? Spirulina? Well imagine if your weight loss program required you to eat these things. Where would you even get them? I doubt you could go to your local grocery store and find them. But the fact is, there are diet plans out there that require these and other exotic foods. They do have their benefits but they are also very costly and not readily available. Personally I think there are more than enough traditional healthy foods on the market that you should be incorporating into your diet. Things like traditional nuts, seeds, olive oils and eggs and if you really want to be healthy you can go organic on the same foods.

4.) Is it Taxing on your body?

While a new weight loss and exercise program can be somewhat stressful and shocking to your body, it should be tailored to your specific needs and abilities. One size doesn't fit all and while you should definitely push yourself to do more, you can't over do it. Your plan shouldn't be so rigid that you are just wiped out at the end of the day or go to bed feeling weak because your plan didn't give you enough energy. You should be taking in enough calories to sustain your body type and your lifestyle and they should be in the form or nutritious healthy foods that keep you satisfied and provide you with the energy you need. When it comes to exercising, you don't have to spend hours upon hours in the gym or on the treadmill. If you are exercising the correct way, you can get the same results in 30-40 minutes maximum.

Everyone's body type and capabilities are different so your program should be flexible to accommodate you as an individual.

5.) Is it Easy to follow?

OK so this isn't calculus after all right? You shouldn't have to follow an encyclopedia of information and instructions to try to lose weight and change you life. Yes there will be rules and guidelines but if it is overly complicated and hard to understand, then it isn't for you. Any good weight loss program should be very simple to integrate to your daily life and easy to understand and put into practice. If it isn't, chances are you will fall back into your old habits just because they are easier and convenient and you don't have to think so much about it.

If you keep these points in mind while you are evaluating your weight loss program and you won't have any problems implementing your new lifestyle and a brand new you!
For more information and a free 7 day mini course to immediately kick start your weight loss and feel healthier than ever go to http://fituforever.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ricky_S._Stevens

How to Reduce Weight in Three Easy Steps

Here's a simple, straightforward method how to reduce weight in three simple steps. This could very well be your ticket to a more well rounded and healthy life. When you follow these steps, you will have in your hands the keys to make a difference in the overall amount you weigh.

But remember, all the tips in the world won't matter unless you are willing make some real changes in the way you lead your day to day life. This is what will really count when it comes down to it. Sure the advice will be invaluable, but at the same time making the firm mental commitment to stick with it day in and day out will truly be what guides you through this entire process.

Three tips how to reduce weight on a daily basis.

1) Rid Your House of Unhealthy Choices.

It's really important to get rid of items from you kitchen that are unhealthy. Choices like potato chips, crackers, cookies, pies, cupcakes, and soda are all items that do have a place in a healthy household. When you do not have these choices around to munch on, you can then ensure you only have healthy choices in your refrigerator and pantries like fruits, granola bars, vegetables, rice cakes, yogurt, jello, almonds, raisins, applesauce, to give you some ideas to start with. These are the types of foods you want to have at all times so when you are in the mood for a snack, you will have something that is healthy for you and not detrimental to your weight loss plan.

2) Make All Your Meals.

An important way to reduce weight regularly is to make sure you cook or at least prepare your healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When you concentrate on preparing your meals, you won't ever need to go out and get fast food or order pizza which as you will probably agree generally go way overboard in calories and fat content. Get in the habit of planning out your meals on a week by week basis so you will never have to be stumped with what's for the next meal. Maybe you can plan out your weekly menu on a Sunday afternoon or evening so that you start each week on a healthy note.

3) Keep Track of Your Progress Each and Every Week.

Now that you've gotten rid of the unhealthy options that may have been taking up space in your kitchen, and you are now planning out your healthy meals on a weekly basis, you will start to lose weight on a consistent basis, as long as you don't stray often from the plan. Final point is to make sure you keep track of your weight loss progress each and every week. Try to get in the habit of weighing yourself at the end of each work week in the morning and track the amount in a small journal or wall calendar you keep right by the scale. Remember, if you are losing 1-2 pounds every week, you are well on your way to weight loss success! Even if that does not sound like much, it is actually the positive progress you are looking for. 1-2 pounds per week is 4-8 pounds every month, or better yet 24-48 pounds in 6 months! Do you see how when you combine a number of consistent efforts how they can help produce dramatic results when you learn how to reduce weight in an proper way? Best wishes on your weight loss journey!

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides to a step-by-step manual to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start getting into shape at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/lose-weight.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez

What Are the Health Benefits of Eating Fruits to Lose Weight?

There is one food you can eat when you want to lose weight that you will never get enough of. FRUIT! Fruit is one of the healthiest foods available, and for many it is so readily available, we forget to eat it often enough.

Every time you go to the grocery store, chances are you pass it, or you don't buy nearly as much as you are supposed to consume. Each day we are supposed to eat 2-3 fruits and vegetables each. Most days, most of us, don't eat more than one each.

If you like fruit though, using fruit to lose weight is a great idea. Most fruits taste good, whether you like them sweet or sour, and they are a healthy alternative to the other junk we eat every day.

If you are interested in using fruit to lose weight, you need to eat 5 fruits a day. If you don't already eat a lot of fruit, your body will go through a detoxification of sorts when you start eating 5 servings of fruit a day. This is normal and you shouldn't get too sick. The benefits will far outweigh any trouble you have.

The benefits of eating a lot of fruit include many things that are going to aid in your weight loss. You will have a lot more energy. Fruits are packed full of water, nutrients, and fiber. All of these things add up to more energy for your body, not to mention they aid in relieving symptoms of many disorders, such as IBS, Diabetes, and the aging process.

In addition to energy, you could lower your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and chances of getting diabetes type 2, some cancers, and heart disease. Over all you will be much healthier if you start eating more fruits and stop eating all the junk you have readily available.

You might be concerned though about adding fruit to your diet. But, actually, it isn't as difficult as you might think. For instance because you will be eating so much fruit you can drink juices too. Orange juice for example (better with the pulp) is great to mix with other fruits in the blender and drink. Apple juice, cranberry, and grape juice are alright as well, but you won't get the fiber that is so helpful to your diet this way. In other words try to eat most of the fruit, 3-4 servings per day should do.

Drinking a lot of water will help as well, because it lacks calories. Additionally there are some fruits that are better than others. For instance berries, melons and grapefruit are great for losing weight. Each of these fruits are jam-packed with nutrients that help your body in numerous ways, you just have to include in your diet as much as possible.

It really isn't too hard to stick to your fruit diet once you get started. You will like the fruit, and you will feel so much better so quickly, the weight will seem to melt off. Give it a try, start eating more fruit today, and lose weight, the natural way.
For more healthy eating tips visit FeelingFlabby.com today where you will find more useful health and fitness advice. Be sure to visit http://www.feelingflabby.com today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Harley

Ten Things to STOP If You Want Permanent Weight Loss

Excess weight is created by over-reliance on food - we often use food as caretaker, parent, therapist, mood-elevator, motivator, punisher, etc. Losing weight permanently requires changing our negative behaviors with food as well as our relationship with food.

Since 2001, I've worked with thousands of amazing folks to help them achieve permanent weight loss, and I've noticed many similarities in the challenges they confronted in order to make change. It's no surprise, these challenges parallel the changes I made as I lost over 90 pounds permanently.

I believe revealing these challenges will make your weight loss easier and more direct. It's a virtual blueprint to permanent weight loss!
  1. Stop dieting - Dieting is a false imposition of a food plan; it's deprivation on every level. It is long proven that 99% of dieters regain and, when they regain, they regain 107% of the weight that was lost. Clearly, there are better ways to get the change you want.
  2. Stop comparing - Comparison is unloving and unproductive. Your current situation and weight are the product of complicated circumstances. It's impossible to fully understand another person's challenges, strengths, heredity, health or the way they handle their inner life. It doesn't make sense to compare.
  3. Stop assuming - You don't know that you'll always battle weight, or that you'll "fix it" next year. None of us knows what will happen in our lives next, or what will happen for another person.
  4. Stop pretending weight doesn't matter - When I talk to middle school girls about body image, I notice they are already pretending it doesn't matter if they are thin. As young as 10 years old, girls know if another person, or society, disapproves of their size or shape. Pretending it doesn't matter, rather than confronting it and processing it, just shoves the feelings about the body deep inside and the most efficient way to keep feelings stuffed down is excess food intake, and that begins the vicious circle of excess weight. Weight is not the most important thing about any of us, but pretending it doesn't matter is denial. It is a major contributing factor of every chronic disease.
  5. Stop lying - We all lie about our weight and food issues. We lie about what it means to be overweight, about how we really feel about ourselves, and we lie that a diet will fix everything soon. We lie about the calories in that desert we omitted from our food diary. Getting ruthlessly honest about EVERYTHING is the first step to weight loss that sticks around.
  6. Stop living a sedentary life - Modern life is way to slow, staid and stationary. Computers, transportation, convenience and electronic amusement have seriously curtailed most activity in our lives. Previous generations had no high fat/salt/preservative fast food but moved much more every day in order to care for themselves, get to work, etc. Find something fun to do and do it every day.
  7. Stop putting yourself after anything or anyone - You come first. No one else gets your gifts, your love, or the benefit of your knowledge and compassion - if you are dead. That is all.
  8. Stop holding onto the past - It's done. It can't be changed. Let go, even if you have to work really hard to do so, and move on.
  9. Stop predicting the future - "When I lose weight, I always regain it." "Every time I lose weight, something happens in my life that causes me to fall off the wagon." I hear these excuses often. But, your job is to let the future be determined by your success today. Today is all we have.
  10. Stop avoiding risk - In the words of Helen Keller, "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." Most worthwhile things are a risk and 99% of our fears never happen. It'll be OK.
These are changes we can all make, no matter what the scale says, and no matter what you want it to say in the future. Changes like these will hook you into life in an immediate, authentic, honest way - and have an impact on every choice.

Pat Barone, CPCC, MCC, earned her title "America's Weight Loss Catalyst" by coaching thousands of clients toward permanent weight loss. Her status as an expert is heightened by her own personal weight loss success. Through her company, Catalyst Coaching(TM) LLC, she offers seminars, workshops and retreats focusing on permanent weight loss. Get her free 5 part series - Key Lesson for Permanent Weight Loss at http://patbarone.com/5-key-lessons-permanent-weight-loss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pat_Barone

2 Techniques to Help You Lose Holiday Weight

Losing holiday weight can be a struggle, but it's not an impossible task to accomplish. Really it's not any harder to lose holiday weight than it is to lose weight gained from having a baby or lack of exercise. Weight is weight and it comes off the same way, no matter how it was put on in the first place.

There are two methods you can do to help you lose your holiday weight. You can use one or the other or both if you choose, but it's important to use them so you lose the weight.

1. Diet

Changing the way you eat is hard to do, but it's the only way you'll lose weight. It doesn't mean you must eat vegetables all the time, but you do need to eliminate some of the sweets and starchy foods. It's also important to portion eat. When you do this you won't overeat and that'll help you to eat better. If you find it's hard to know what to eat and what not to eat, you may need to consider a diet to help you lose weight. There are a number of different diets to choose from, so you'll want to check them out and decide what will fit your budget and likes.
2. Exercise

Exercise is important when you're trying to lose weight. It's a good way to build strength, lose weight, and stay healthy all at the same time. You can workout at home or at the gym. Either way will work, but the important thing to remember is you must do it. Sometimes working out at home is easier because you can do it when it's convenient for you, but working out at the gym may be better because of the equipment and classes they offer.

Losing weight is not easy to do, but when you dedicate yourself and work hard, you can make it happen. You'll need to change your way of life and change the way you do things and you'll be able to lose the holiday weight and keep it off. Keep in mind what the end results will be and that may give you the mind frame you need to get the weight off.

Corrie Petersen runs a successful Virtual Assistant business and she's the owner of the WAHM-Articles directory. She is married and has two teenagers and she loves spending time with her family. Catch up with everything she has going on when you click here to read her mommy blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Corrie_Petersen

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat and Lose Your Big Stomach With 3 Unveiled Secret Tips

If you have a big stomach and are constantly bloated you can reduce its size with some scientifically proven tips in this article. You can safely lose weight and never worry about being hungry. The best thing about it is that it doesn't involve taking diet pills and long boring workouts in the gym. To finally get rid of belly fat and lose those pounds from your big stomach, take a couple of minutes to read this life changing article. I have no doubt you will actually end your fat belly problems once and for all with the 3 unveiled secret tips that you will find in this successful fat burning system.

So how do you get rid of belly fat and burn fat from other unsightly fatty areas around your body? The answer is not by extreme dieting but by having a proven fat burning system in place. The following fat burning tips are "well-tested" and scientifically proven so that you can really "fire-up" your metabolism and start melting your fat today.

Tip 1: Incline Walking

Incline walking places different challenges on your body. Because your body is so used to normal walking habits, it is not strenuous enough to quickly get your heart rate pumping. To achieve fat loss, you need to maintain your heart at an elevated rate in the fat burning zone.

Incline walking such as on an elevated treadmill inclined at about 20 degrees, hill walking, walking up steps and so on are far more superior forms of exercise that rapidly burns fat. These exercise, challenges your whole body, you get calf burn, thigh burn, and a healthy elevated heart rate. Another beneficial bonus is of course the after burn which increases your metabolism by about 10% and last for at least a good 36 hours if not more. Do this for 20 to 30 minutes a day for at least 4 days a week and watch the fat drop off.

Tip 2: Fibre

For a lot of people the common western diet is highly devoid of fibre. Strange but true but a good number of people just don't like and appreciate fruits and vegetables. Many people get their daily fibre from breakfast cereals and nothing else. Even so, eating the wrong kind of breakfast is fibre limiting and can lead to constipation and other health issues.

Refined cereals are supplemented with sugar which leads to fat storage. On the other hand complex carbohydrates like whole-meal oats which has a good serving of fibre quickly fill you up and are slow to digest. Slow release complex carbohydrate keeps your hunger at bay for a good few hours longer than traditional refined carbohydrate that you will find in white breads, processed cereals and so on. The positive note on fibre is that it increases the bowel transit times of foodstuff preventing constipation and bloating, all the makings for a smaller stomach.

Tip 3: Eating correctly

Throughout the day try to eat high fibre low-calorie foods and proteins with each meal eliminating anything refined. How does this help, you may ask? Simple- the high fibre food clears out your digestive tract together with the harmful toxin producing bacteria and in turn improves your digestion. The protein removes the blood sugar spike because it is slowly digested, preventing weight gain. This diet removes the pressure from your liver so instead of it wasting time neutralizing toxins from rotting and fermenting food from your intestine, it can concentrate on actually burning fat for energy. The positive effect of this is that you feel energized; less stressed with a happy calm stomach.

Some high fibre foods are oats, sweet potatoes, black beans, kidney beans, apples, lentils, whole-meal bread, bran and much more. Read labels for example, 1 can of black bean have 25 g of fibre, kidney beans have 19 g, and an apple has 5 g. Aim for 30 to 35 g of fibre in your daily diet.

So if you want to get rid of belly fat I encourage you to follow these scientifically proven simple steps and you will be on your way to losing those unsightly pounds.

If you're really fed up and ashamed of carrying around your big fat stomach and can't find nice fitting clothes- expert help is at hand. If you seriously want to follow an easy scientifically tested fat burning system that works, I encourage you to click on the link to get your Free report now before it's gone for good.
If you don't lose 5 - 14 pounds in 2 weeks, I'll be really surprised.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Rawl_Hardial

Healthy Weight Loss - The Only Real Goal of Losing Weight

Losing weight, for many, has various motivations. Some lose weight for a wedding or school reunion. Some lose weight to make their spouse or partner happy. Others still, lose weight to simply have control in their lives. Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, I applaud you. Losing weight and getting your weight down to what is considered a normal level is both healthy and makes you look good!

Healthy weight loss is defined as losing weight to such a level that you decrease your risk factors for developing some killer or degenerative disease. However, healthy weight loss also involves the way you lose weight.

Fad and crazy diets have been around ever since there have been people. Single food diets, single category diets, and even starvation have been used to force people to change the shapes of their bodies. Recently, the daughter of a foreign national leader indicated that humiliation and embarrassment were the two best motivators for weight loss. Whichever motivation you have and whichever method you choose, it should be a healthy one.

The two main factors why people gain weight must be addressed in any serious weight loss program which purports to be a healthy weight loss plan. If these two factors are not addressed, then the person will, with frustration, gain back all the weight lost and then some when they return to a normal diet. when this happens, depression, frustration, and hopelessness set in. These feelings rarely result in anything positive in our lives.

Eating large amounts of any one food or macronutrient like carbohydrate, protein, or fat will not lead to health and vitality. A balance of these food sources and constituents is very important. Equally important is to understand that we are fat, as a nation, largely because of our over-consumption of high glycemic index, low-nutrient carbohydrates. Instead of eating natural grains and foods which grow on the earth, we eat refined carbohydrates like sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and other associated sugars. These prevent healthy weight loss.

Healthy weight loss involves eating those foods which naturally occur on this planet. We must remember, that we too, naturally occur on this planet. We are made to live here, and the things which grow here are made for our consumption and use. This basic principle can be used to help all of us think about healthy weight loss.

A recently popular diet solution called The Diet Solution Program emphasizes this very type of eating program. Given that all the natural foods which grow including fruits, vegetables, and grains have been shown to allow the body to naturally and healthily re-balance the inner self. All major health organizations including the American Dietetic Association, The American Heart Association, and The American Cancer Society have recommended that our intake of fruits and vegetables be increased to 10 servings per day! How many of us eat that much.

When we do eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, we amazingly start to re-balance. Our energy increases, we start to shed pounds and we also start to feel much better. While there are a few more rules and nuances to know and understand about the program, these major tenants are important to understand. Healthy weight loss is possible by following The Diet Solution Program.

Healthy Weight Loss [http://dietsolutionmadeeasy.com] is possible if you know the Diet Solution Made Easy Program. Thousands have lost the weight they desire and have become healthy. This program allows you to feel better fast, much faster than most believe possible. Visit Healthy Weight Loss for a FREE video with no obligation and no strings to learn the details of how you, too, can lose the weight you desire, without hunger, and in a healthy way. You're worth it! Visit [http://dietsolutionmadeeasy.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_W._Page

Green Tea and How It Helps With Weight Loss!

Does Green tea help with losing weight? Will it help eliminate some of that "extra fat"?

Surprisingly, more than often you'll that the tea or the extract is included in many of the weight loss supplements on the market today.

Why do supplement companies like to incorporate Green tea in their diet products?

Well, mainly because it has numerous health benefits that will help the body in many areas and ways. If you were to go to PubMed.com and do a search for green tea, you could easily find over 1,000 studies performed on green tea and the components it has. Possible benefits are being researched that include fat loss, antioxidant activity, cancer control, cognitive development, general health and well-being.
If you have problems maintaining glucose, it may be worthwhile as a glucose regulator, meaning it will slow the growth in blood sugar following a meal.

It's a really strong anti-oxidant, just like Beta-carotene and Vitamin C. The active ingredient EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), could possibly be up to 200 times more powerful than vitamin E as an oxidant. You can help towards your weight loss just by having a few cups each day. You could also purchase a supplement with green tea in it that will also help towards your goals. Their are many kinds, whether it be in pill form as a supplement, or also in a great deal of multi-vitamins on the marketplace. I recommend purchasing a high quality herbal leaf, preferably all-natural. One I would highly recommend is Matcha Super Green Tea.

The tea's extract is a source of caffeine, and is quite often used as the caffeine portion of many well known fat burners. Of course caffeine is well known for its "fat burning" properties. The all-natural tea helps aid toward weight loss by boosting the metabolic rate, which in turn helps the consumer to burn more calories. Ingestion of catechins (catechins are a major element of the extract) leads to both a reduction of body fat and can help to lower bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).

It may also improve with fatty acid synthase. Fatty acid synthase is an enzymatic system that is involved in the process of turning carbs into fat. Indulging green tea high in catechins lowers cardiovascular risks in addition to reducing body fat. You will find many parts to green teas weight reduction benefits. These involve an increased metabolism, decreasing of triglyceride levels, a positive effect on insulin regulation and blood sugar, and quite possibly the inhibiting of certain enzymes which are necessary for the processing of carbs and fats.

If you've struggled with losing weight in the past and just haven't found the correct way. Let me help you, and make available to you some of the easiest tips and advice to meet your personal goals. I'll even share with you the ways I reached my killer body here: Green Tea and Weight Loss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tanner_M_Caden

13 Weight Loss Secrets For 2013

1. Eat some carbs

Weight Loss is an easier goal to achieve when you know the difference between good and bad carbs. Good carbs are ones full of fiber and are absorbed slowly into our systems so that high glucose levels may be avoided, like beans, fruits, whole grain, and vegetables. Bad carbs are refined and processed foods, like junk food, white rice, and white bread.

2. Don't count calories

A calorie is merely a value of energy obtained from food being translated to your physical activities. Your body's pace of metabolism doesn't depend on calories, but on your fat intake (which must be low), and the chemicals there are in your food.

3. Why an energy bar isn't a friend

Weight loss enthusiasts have always encouraged energy bars as snacks instead of cupcakes, brownies, or chips. The downside is, energy bars contain just as much sugar as chocolate bars like Snickers. Energy bars are called as they are because they're fuel for your workout, but not handy for your diet. Eat a banana instead; it has a healthy mix of potassium, vitamins, antioxidants, and carbohydrates.

4. Why dark chocolate IS a friend

Dark chocolate has antioxidants and helps you feel fuller for a long time, fighting off urges of hunger

5. Drink at least 8 glasses or 1 liter of water a day

This is not a shocker, but this tip definitely aids weight loss.

6. Set specific goals of exercise and increase the intensity moderately

Getting yourself to lose weight is not easy during the early stages. Allow your body to adjust to different paces. Scientific studies show that those who are able to control their workout have more chances to achieve a successful workout, than those who mindlessly exert too much effort but end up at a plateau stage. Always dare to achieve more. Start a month's workout and weight loss plan by having walking briskly for 30 minutes. During the next month, increase the goal by mixing briskwalk exercise and jogging for 40 minutes.

7. Weight loss is achieved more easily when exercising rigorously for short periods of time than when exercising with small-moderate effort for longer periods of time.

8. Spice up your life

Spicy foods are known to be potent fat fighters. Spicy food will also make you consume less portions of food. One example is the turmeric which is widely used in Malaysia.

9. Remember there's an alternative for every unhealthy choice you make.

Don't deprive yourself of cravings, deprive yourself of unhealthy habits instead. When shopping, there are many products with low-fat options. It also makes a difference when you eat smaller portions than the amount you regularly take. When you're about to eat dark meat, remember white meat is healthier. Even when you're craving pizza, there are always pizzas with healthier ingredients aside from the meaty and fatty ones.
10. Fit is greater than fad

Weight loss can only get uglier with fad diets. Once you follow a fad diet, you can expect to lose some weight - and then gain some more. For example, fruit juice cleansing varies the insulin levels in your body - it skyrockets, and then crashes. You will also lose muscle mass, which causes translation to fat from the food you eat once you get back to your regular eating habits. Fad diets are made for lazy people. Weight loss is a lifestyle of fitness, not just some fad.

11. Superfoods that guarantee a super you

Superfoods are foods that when consumed more of will help you successfully achieve weight loss:
Blueberries, eggplant, sweet potatoes, brown rice, wine, broccoli, pears, grapefruit, almonds, kidney beans, green tea, bananas, lentils, eggs, oranges, dark chocolate, pine nuts, potatoes, white beans, cheese (fresh goat cheese and feta), low-fat milk, garbanzo beans, plantains, quinoa, pearl barley, black beans, oats, avocados, salmon

12. Think positively

The way you think greatly affects the way you act. By thinking positively, you will be able to unblock obstacles that distract your way to achieving a perfect body. Celebrities who've had weight loss like Jamie Lee Curtis and Sandra Bullock were known to be optimistic and grateful for the chance to take care of their bodies - and this kept them moving forward.

13. Don't starve yourself

Weight loss is supposed to make you feel good, and starving yourself won't help. It will actually worsen the way you think about dieting. When you starve yourself, your body's metabolism will slow down. Worse, you will end up getting hungrier and eventually overindulge with food until you bloat. To keep yourself from getting hungry with a good diet system, eat frequently, for every 3 to 4 hours a day. This will also keep your metabolism fired up.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abdur_Rajjak

Your Guidebook To Weight Loss

I am writing this short yet effective guidebook for all those who want to lose weight and for those who have no idea as to how they can lose a few pounds. Losing weight is not a really big deal. It is just how you go about it. All you need to have is strong determination. If you are determined to do it, you can do it.

To start off you must be determined and passionate. Your passion and determination has to be strong enough to keep you motivated. It is also to be noted that you must develop a proper plan. Without a plan, you cannot lose weight. When I say planning I purely mean that it must be clear that how much time you will give to weight loss activities every week. To what extent can you go? How much you can invest? How much time can you spare? And so on.

When it comes to weight loss, you must start it from exercise. No gym - no weight loss. Join a gym. There is no alternate, you cannot do exercise in home, backyard, in park or elsewhere. You have to go to gym, and you have to go regularly. There are several benefits of doing exercise in a gym as compared to doing it at any other place. You must burn as much calories as you can via exercise. Stick to high intensity exercises. Weight has to be high. It is recommended to do exercise for 20 minutes on average per day 5 days a week.

Your food is indeed very important for weight loss. You have to follow a strict diet for several months if you really want to lose weight. You have to cut off several things and you will need to add lots of food into your diet. Here is a condensed list of what you are supposed to eat and cut off:

- Drink lots of water, fruit juices and non-carbonated drinks.

- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid using canned ones.

- Cut of butter, sugar, carbohydrates, fats, junk food, tobacco, carbonated beverages and everything that make you fat.

If you will stick to exercise and will control what you eat, you need nothing else to do to lose weight. However for losing weight quickly or if you are 400 pounds (or more), you surely need to use some sort of supplement or weight loss drug. In that case, it is recommended to choose a natural product as weight loss supplement, for instance you can try Resveratrol weight loss or ketone or others.
Read all about Resveratrol side effects before you use it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_Daniel

Healthy Weight Loss With a Candida Diet

A Candida diet can immeasurably improve your digestive system and achieve healthy weight loss at the same time. Often times when you are struggling with weight you have systemic Candida because you are eating the wrong types of food. Candida loves sugar and refined carbohydrates which makes it very difficult to sustain healthy weight loss.

Candida feeds from these foods to multiply and spread and cause havoc within the body. An abnormal intestinal bacterial environment, poor diet, overuse of antibiotics, pregnancy and a weak immune system are the primary factors that will promote and prolong candida growth.

A Candida diet will counteract and prevent the yeast from multiplying and spreading and support healthy weight loss. You will need to stop ingesting all sugar and refined carbohydrates as they supply a fertile ground for the infiltration of the toxic yeast. Candida needs to be starved of its favorite source of energy for healthy weight loss and to regain balance. Your GI tract needs a healthy environment with good bacteria to burn fat.
Probiotics and supplements will support your Candida Diet but the underlying key to success is your nutrition. Excellent nutrition gives your digestive system a chance to kill off the toxic bacteria and starve the yeast so healthy weight loss can be established and maintained.

When you start the Candida diet you are detoxifying your system and you may feel worse before you start to feel better. This detoxifying process is called die-off and toxins are released into your system causing flu-like symptoms. This is normal and will vary from person to person.

What you Cannot Eat for Healthy Weight Loss on the Candida Diet

Of course it goes without saying that you cannot eat refined carbs or sugar which means no cookies, cakes, donuts, crackers, candy, deserts, bread, bagels, chocolate, pastries, syrup, honey, sugars, fermented foods and dried fruit.

No grains. This means pasta, rice, corn, wheat, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, oats or barley. After two weeks you can introduce quinoa, amaranth, millet and buckwheat but only in moderation. Grains can turn into sugar in the body and you need to be aware of how you react to them. You only need to refrain from eating grains for the first 2-4 weeks to kill yeast and for healthy weight loss.

No yeasts allowed, meaning bread, cakes, muffins, baked goods, pastries, hydrolyzed yeasts and alcohol.
No peanuts - you can eat almonds and walnuts and pumpkin seeds.

No vinegar and no sauces - ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pickles, hot sauce, salad dressings, soy sauce, mayonnaise, dips, pickled peppers, horseradish and green olives.

No fruits or fruit juices and no sodas - berries, small apples and avocados are ok. You can also eat grapefruit, lemons and limes.

No potatoes or legumes, no breaded meats.
No coffee or tea, no diet or regular sodas.

What you Can Eat for Healthy Weight Loss on a Candida Diet

Eggs, salads, veggies, some fruits (mentioned above), grass fed or organic meats such as chicken, poultry, fowl, lamb, beef and fish. You can eat bacon occasionally.

Herbal teas and purified water are best to drink. You can also drink veggie juice, no fruit juice.
The Candida Diet is very strict to begin with and then after two to four weeks you can start to introduce foods back into your diet. Be careful about this as you want to successfully maintain healthy weight loss.
Discover more tips on healthy weight loss and a list of Candida symptoms.

Want to learn more about healthy weight loss? Follow these fat burning secrets in 2 Free Reports on the best tips and techniques to burn belly fat and lose weight. Get your FREE reports at http://www.flatbellyhealth.com
Kelly Beck is a qualified Pilates Instructor who is passionate about nutrition, fitness and health.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Beck

Build Muscle And Strength With A Healthy Weight Loss Diet

A healthy weight loss diet must provide all the essential nutrients which are required for bodily functions. These have to be obtained from low-calorie sources. A healthy slimming diet should be based on nutritious foods such as lean meat, fish, poultry, low fat dairy products and cereals. It should be devoid of foods such as alcohol, cakes, biscuits and sweets which are high in calories but nutrient-deficient.

A common misconception is that starchy foods such as rice and bread are fattening. Such foods help satisfy appetite because they are filling rather than fattening. Whole grain foods are preferable to their refined counterparts as they contain more minerals, fiber and vitamins.

To reduce your fat intake, opt for lean cuts of meat and remove all visible fat before cooking. Eat poultry without the skin and avoid fried fish. This will help you lose a considerable amount of weight in the initial stages of your program.

Avoid crash diets containing low calorie meal replacements. These include snacks, soups and drinks which lack the same balance of nutrients as conventional healthy food. Crash diets have little or no effect because they lead to loss of water and protein instead of excessive fat.

Drink about eight glasses of water a day. This will help you stay hydrated to boost your metabolism. A glass of water before meals also helps one eat less. Apples contain a fiber which slows the digestive process. This stabilizes the release of blood sugar into the system, helping one to feel fuller for much longer.

An easy way to speed up weight loss is to incorporate some flaxseed into your daily diet. You can sprinkle it over your breakfast oatmeal, mix it with a salad or add it into a smoothie. Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and vitamin B. It also slows digestion and helps one stay sated for long.

Instead of giving up a bad food which you like, substitute it with a healthier alternative. An effective solution would be to swap an animal-based product with its plant-based counterpart. For instance, you can have a veggie hamburger instead of your usual one.

A healthy weight loss diet should also be scheduled with clearly defined meal times. This helps you hold yourself accountable. As you navigate through the day, you will be on track and well organized. You'll also feel accomplished once you've checked off items on your schedule.
Visit Fat-loss-diet-program.com for a fat loss diet that will help you lose weight quickly. With our fat loss diet you will learn how to keep the weight off for good. Let us change the way you think about dieting today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hamlet_Meyer

5 Things You Can Do For A Happier, Healthier Family

I'm inspired. As someone who has struggled with obesity my whole life, I really enjoyed watching the first episode of the new season of The Biggest Loser last night. For those of you who were not able to watch, they are now reaching out and trying to help put a dent in the childhood obesity problem that is plaguing this country. They outlined differences between adult weight loss and childhood weight loss. However, I think that great things can be accomplished when the entire family works together toward a healthier lifestyle. Here are five things you can do as a family that will help everyone live longer, healthier lives.

1) Have a plan. Outline the changes that everyone would like to make, and make a plan around those changes. Make a schedule that fits these changes in. Actually writing your plan will make it easier to see and follow.

2) Find activities that everyone enjoys. Studies show that you are more likely to stick with a weight loss plan if you find activities that you truly enjoy. I really don't like swimming, but I love playing racquetball. Last weekend, I met with some friends at our local gym. The children love swimming, so they headed to the pool while I stayed back and played racquetball with another friend. After 2 hours, I could hardly walk, but I loved every minute of it!

3) Go on a family walk. My family and I love going on walks in the evening. It's a great way to burn some calories and stay connected as a family.

4) Plan to take part in a sports event that the whole family can enjoy. Training for a 5k as a family is a great way to spend quality time as a family and carry out something that is difficult to carry out. If you decide to train for an event such as a 5k, make sure to take it slow. Many people burn out because they try to do too much too quickly. Use a plan such as found on www.c25k.com for a slow plan that the entire family can complete.

5) Plan special events around a healthier lifestyle. It's no secret that we tend to over-indulge when it comes to special occasions. Birthday parties, graduation parties, holidays, it doesn't matter what the special occasion is, we tend to over do it. Planning activities for special occasions is a great way to burn extra calories, while still having a great time! Examples of activities that will burn extra calories at your next birthday party include a rock-climbing birthday party, dancing, and of course our favorite, jumping in an inflatable bounce house.

Of course, it doesn't matter what you choose to do, as long as you choose to stay active. Now that you're on your way to a healthier lifestyle, pay it forward. Help others by sharing these simple tips.

Bounce and Slide Texas asks the question: "Why just bounce, when you can bounce AND slide?" That's why all of our bounce house rentals come with both a jumping surface as well as a sliding surface! We have top-quality inflatable party rental equipment ready to be rented in and around the Fort Worth area. Check us out at http://www.bounceandslidetx.com to schedule your party online!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_C_Weinstein

What Is Health and Well Being: Green Coffee Bean Extract

So You Bought Some Low-quality Green Coffee Beans from Overseas? 

And you thought you were going to lose 10 lbs. overnight? Unfortunately, it didn't happen, did it? What really happened is... you got "conned." And I'm willing to venture you didn't even realize they were imported from Asia.

The moment that green coffee bean extract became all the rage, the bottom feeders were all over it, importing low-quality supplements from Asia. And like most bottom-feeders, they could care less that these low-quality supplements may pose a major health risk to your thyroid! All they really care about is making a quick profit.

But It Was a Brand Name. 

I'm sorry to burst your trust bubble. Buying a brand name product never was and never will be an assurance of quality. Realize also that many of these low-quality products also contain ephedrine, which is added to give you an artificial boost in energy. And this is one of the added ingredients making them dangerous to your health.

Is Green Coffee Bean Extract Anything More than a Panacea? 

It may be. However, due to the popularity of the green coffee bean extract, those companies making top quality extracts in the U.S., containing at least 50% chlorogenic acid, can't find the supply to meet the consumer demand! So the statement seen on many sites that they may run out of product, is not just a sales tactic. Running out of supply happens quite frequently.

The 4 Steps You Must Take to Ensure You are Getting the Real Deal
  1. Always make sure the supplements you choose are made in the USA or Europe. I can tell you that I have often intended to buy a product, because the advertising on the bottle was attractive, branded, and had in it what I wanted or felt I needed. But many brand manufacturers try to hide the fact that their products are made overseas in Asia. So if you don't look at the box or bottle, carefully, you won't see that in print almost too tiny to see... yes, there it is... "Made in China," where the standards for quality are often low or non-existent.

  2. The truth is... you should avoid Ephedrine, at all costs. Remember, the bottom line for many manufacturers is profit, at the expense of quality. And guess what... ? It is much cheaper to substitute ephedrine for green coffee bean extract!

  3. You must always verify that you are getting real green coffee bean extract that is at least 50% chlorogenic acid. If you do verify and buy from a trusted source, you are well on your way to potentially experiencing fast weight loss.

  4. To get outstanding results, you must buy the most expensive, not the least expensive! Sure... this is not what you want to hear! I understand that. But why would you pay the least amount for a product, whose only hidden and real guarantee is... disappointment? Expect to pay a lot more for the highest quality, which is also the most effective.
The Bottom Line is Effective Weight Loss. Anything Else is Wishful Thinking... 

The fact is that if you are experiencing any side-effects from a cheap green coffee bean brand, it is likely contaminated with ephedrine. Green coffee bean extract has no known side-effects. So anything less than the highest quality green coffee bean extract, with at least 50% Chlorogenic acid, from the supplier, who is charging a premium for the product, is a total waste of money... as if you have money to waste, right?
Author Tim Walls is an ever-enthusiastic publisher of articles related to health and well being. Read more of Tim's original articles at: http://whatishealthandwellbeing.info/. Get the top recommendation on where to get the highest potency green coffee bean extract at Recommended Coffee Bean Extracts!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Walls

The Many Benefits Of African Mango

If you haven't used African mango as yet for weight reduction, it is time to use it because it has several benefits and it is very helpful in weight reduction. If you have been trying to lose weight for several months or years, you must try African mango it will surely help you.

Here are a few major and most important benefits of using African mango:

- The greatest benefit of African mango is that it boosts the metabolism process. Metabolism is a process that refers to the body's ability to convert food into energy. Slow metabolism process means that the body converts food into consumable energy at a slow pace whereas a fast metabolism process means that body quickly converts food into energy. Fat people have usually slow metabolism process resulting in slow conversion of food into energy. When the process is slow, a major part of food is not converted to energy rather it is stored as fat inside the body resulting in increase in weight. So what African mango does is that it boosts the entire metabolism process thus body converts almost all the food into energy and nothing is stored as fat.

- Fast metabolism is extremely good for weight reduction. If you will eat less, your body will start using stored fat and will convert fat into consumable energy. So you can reduce weight significantly. This is known as the fat burning process.

- It slows the digestion process. For fat people it is like a dream come true because they don't feel hungry very often. Slow digestion means that the food stays in stomach for longer duration and individual do not feel hungry every now and then.

- Slow digestion also helps the body to absorb all the nutrients from the food. When food is digested quickly, body doesn't find ample time to absorb (and extract) all the nutrients from the food. However, it is possible in case of slow digestion. Body can take all the nutrients from food and this is what our body needs.

- As mentioned, African mango boosts the metabolism process. When it happens, body gets a lot of energy that can be used in different activities. You do not feel hungry after running a mile when your body produces lots of energy and the metabolism process is quick.
- It is a very rich source of dietary fiber which is very good for fat people. Fiber doesn't allow human body to absorb fat.
Don't forget to read African mango reviews before using any such product or supplement.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_Daniel

How Effective Is African Mango for Weight Loss?

There has been a lot of debate over the internet, research articles, health journals and different magazines about the benefits and effectiveness of African mango for weight loss. African mango is a mango that is found throughout Africa and is said to be very effective for weight loss. Not only that it is good for weight loss but it has many other benefits as well.

When we talk about its effectiveness for weight reduction, the greatest edge it has over other weight reduction supplements and products is that it is a fruit which means it has no side effects. I mean a fruit can never harm your body. If we assume that it is not good for weight reduction and we use it. It will not going to reduce weight but meantime it will not going to harm human body. Other weight reduction products that are available in the market that are not natural, they carry lots of harmful effects but this fruit will not going to harm your body.

So one thing is for sure that it has no side-effects on human body, now the question is how effective it is for weight reduction?

People have been using it for centuries for weight reduction. Several different experiments have been conducted that showed that yes African mango helps in weight reduction to a great extent.

The real power of the African mango is that it increases the metabolism process of human body which means that if you will eat it, your metabolism process will be boosted resulting in production of energy from food at a faster pace than normal. This is very helpful for fat people. If your metabolism process is boosted, body converts almost all the food into energy and stores nothing in the body in the form of fats. So this actually means that increase in metabolism reduces fat inside the body and provides human body with lots of energy that can be used accordingly in different ways.

It is also very helpful in slowing down the digestion process which means you do not feel hungry every now and then. Food stays in your stomach for a long period of time.

African mango is indeed very effective for weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you must use it or you can use any supplement that contains a large percentage of African mango extracts. You don't have to ask anyone that does African mango work because you know that it really works.
Find out more about African mango diet.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_Daniel

Get 5 Fruits and Vegetables A Day and Become Healthy

Have you had trouble getting five servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis? If so, you may find that if you take a moment to plan accordingly and ensure five servings find their way into your body every day, a healthier life will emerge.

Since you are interested in this topic, that must mean you want to improve your nutrition for health reasons or possibly to help lose weight. Regardless of your reasons, if you are truly ready to focus more on developing healthy eating habits then by planning out the food you will eat each day can truly work wonders.

Everyone has a daily schedule that is unique and different there isn't a generic answer that will hold true for everyone. However, if you take the following ideas and adjust to fit your own personal situation, then it is readily attainable for you to include five fruits and vegetables in your daily menu.

Start With Breakfast

Here is the perfect opportunity to have at least one serving of fruit with your morning meal. A banana with cereal, raisins with oatmeal, yogurt and strawberries, or even a fruit smoothie which can pack upwards of two or three fruits in a great tasting beverage. Don't miss out on this chance to start the day on a healthy note. When you do, you will be more inclined to continue with the healthy trend for the remainder of the day.

Snacks During the Day

Your snacks between breakfast and lunch, and also between lunch and dinner offer you two other opportunities for you to take in a fruit or vegetable. If you are away at work for the better part of the day, be sure to pack fruits/vegetables in your travel lunch container so when break time comes, you can simply whip out your apple, peach, banana, box of raisins, bag of grapes, celery and carrots, or whatever else you fancy. Not only will you be taking in one or two servings of fruits and vegetables during your breaks, but these snacks are only around 100 calories each! Follow that up with plain, purified drinking water and you have just consumed the perfect snack. A hundred times healthier than a bag of Doritos and a soda.

If you haven't developed the habit of packing a lunch to take with you to work, you are missing out on the perfect opportunity to control every bit of food that makes it into your mouth while you are away at work. Travel containers with dinner leftover make perfect, easy meals you can take with you for the next day. If you do not have any dinner leftovers, then frozen healthy meals made by Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers provide low calorie tasty options and usually come with a serving of vegetables. Or you can always make a simple ham or turkey sandwich (using pita or whole wheat bread) including lettuce and tomato and instead of a bag of potato chips, a bag of cut carrots or celery and you will be all set.

Dinner Choices
So far if you've stuck with the game plan up to this point, you have eaten 3-4 servings of fruits or vegetables by the time your get home. At dinner it is generally your last chance to take in the remaining fruits and vegetables to reach your goal. This is the most opportune time to include a hearty serving of vegetables since you will be at home and often have more time to cook and prepare this meal. When planned out accordingly, you could essentially get two servings of vegetables at each dinner if desired.

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides to a step-by-step manual to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start getting into shape at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/lose-weight.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_L_Gomez
