
How to Get Abs Fast

Everybody wants to have a great set of abs. The question is "how to get abs fast"?

There are three key factors in achieving the perfect set of abs: Resistance training, cardio exercise and proper diet. If you want to know how to gets abs fast, you must combine these three factors in a comprehensive program.

Many people do hundreds of crunches a day but fail to ever develop a good set of abs. The reason is that after a certain point, regular old crunches just don't provide much resistance to develop your abs. All of the time and effort spent doing crunches or other minimally resistive ab exercises could have been better utilized by working larger muscle groups which burn more calories. This helps reduce the layer of fat covering the abs and also builds overall muscle mass which speeds up the metabolism and results in even greater fat loss.

Your time can be more productive by focusing the majority of your workout on bigger compound movements like squats, dead lifts, lunges, and upper body multi-joint exercises. This results in more calories being burned during and after the workout. Crunches and other ab-specific exercises still have their place in a routine but should be done at the end of the workout after the harder compound exercises. The ab training session should last about 5-10 minutes and should be performed 3-4 times per week.

Try to alternate your ab workouts between some of these excellent ab exercises:

Hanging leg raises
Lying leg thrusts (hip thrusts)
Decline bench leg thrusts (hip thrusts)
Reverse crunches (crunching hips off floor)
Ab bicycles (alternating knees to elbows)
Ab scissors
Stability ball crunches Bench crunches
Alternating (oblique) crunches
Weighted cable rope crunches (with hunched back)
Ab wheel

Another key to how to get abs fast is changing your cardio workouts from long, low-to-medium intensity sessions to shorter, high intensity workouts. While longer cardio sessions do burn a higher percentage of fat during the actual exercise than anaerobic training such as wind sprints or weight training, this does not mean that longer sessions will result in a leaner body than anaerobic training. The residual metabolic after-burn effect of 10-20 minute short, high intensity sessions has a long term fat-burning effect.

Some effective high intensity training methods that you can add to your routine are:

Wind sprints
Stair climbs
Hill climbs
Jumping rope

No discussion on how to get abs fast would be complete without mentioning proper diet. Here are some of the main diet strategies to promote fat loss:

Schedule your food intake to 5-6 small meals per day of equal size.

Write an entire week's menu and use this to purchase only the food that you will be eating when you go grocery shopping. This will cut down on the amount of unhealthy and fattening foods that you eat.

Try to include a serving of lean protein, a serving of complex carbohydrates and a serving of healthy fats with each meal.

Minimize your consumption of refined oils, trans fats, and high fructose corn syrup.

Avoid processed foods and focus on foods in their natural state such as raw fruits and raw (or steamed) vegetables.

If you want to know how to get abs fast, follow these guidelines and you will see results.
Jim Fisher is a fat loss and physical fitness enthusiast focused on new and innovative methods of losing fat and staying in great shape at any age.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_M_Fisher

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