Often I will get asked this question... "What is the best time of day to exercise?"
Now I know that there are a variety of studies, articles, other blog posts, etc. that will tell you to exercise at one time of the day over another and why you should. But, I have to ask these questions. Are you still spending time on trying to make it work because someone told you should workout at a particular time of day? And then, are you so busy trying to make it work that you just don't get it in?
So, I'll share my answer with you. It varies from person to person but what matters most is when YOU will do it.
I know for me that ideally, I would love to work out in the afternoon, because that's the peak at when I feel my best and if I envisioned my "perfect" day, it would be at that time. But, the reality is this. I work during the day, have children that need picked up/dropped off to their activities, there is dinner to be made, there is always a mess around the house to clean up, our plans will change at the last minute and so on and so on. All the same kinds of things that you may be going through too.
So, here's what I do. My girls are old enough to get themselves up and off to school (they are teens) so I can enjoy a cup of coffee, visit with both of them and my hubby before they head off to school/work and also do a little work before I get my workout in. I'll typically workout between 8 am and 9 am as it gives me enough time to wake up, get moving and become my perky self. That's the schedule that I set for myself because it works for me. The same goes with the workouts that I choose. Some days it might be Tai Cheng because I need more flexibility. Other days it might be Ten Minute Trainer because that's all I have for the day. Once again, I make it work for me.
Maybe the option of working out later in the morning isn't feasible. If you're a parent to young children, you might want to workout while your children nap or at preschool. Or, if you work a ways from work and are commuting earlier and later in the day, you might choose to work out on your lunch break which might clear your head and help you be a little more productive. What you'll want to do is sit down, take a look at your schedule and look at what you can manage fitting in. You will need to figure out what the best time is and make it work for you.
Now I know that there are a variety of studies, articles, other blog posts, etc. that will tell you to exercise at one time of the day over another and why you should. But, I have to ask these questions. Are you still spending time on trying to make it work because someone told you should workout at a particular time of day? And then, are you so busy trying to make it work that you just don't get it in?
So, I'll share my answer with you. It varies from person to person but what matters most is when YOU will do it.
I know for me that ideally, I would love to work out in the afternoon, because that's the peak at when I feel my best and if I envisioned my "perfect" day, it would be at that time. But, the reality is this. I work during the day, have children that need picked up/dropped off to their activities, there is dinner to be made, there is always a mess around the house to clean up, our plans will change at the last minute and so on and so on. All the same kinds of things that you may be going through too.
So, here's what I do. My girls are old enough to get themselves up and off to school (they are teens) so I can enjoy a cup of coffee, visit with both of them and my hubby before they head off to school/work and also do a little work before I get my workout in. I'll typically workout between 8 am and 9 am as it gives me enough time to wake up, get moving and become my perky self. That's the schedule that I set for myself because it works for me. The same goes with the workouts that I choose. Some days it might be Tai Cheng because I need more flexibility. Other days it might be Ten Minute Trainer because that's all I have for the day. Once again, I make it work for me.
Maybe the option of working out later in the morning isn't feasible. If you're a parent to young children, you might want to workout while your children nap or at preschool. Or, if you work a ways from work and are commuting earlier and later in the day, you might choose to work out on your lunch break which might clear your head and help you be a little more productive. What you'll want to do is sit down, take a look at your schedule and look at what you can manage fitting in. You will need to figure out what the best time is and make it work for you.
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