
Specific Lose Stomach Fat Exercises

Here are a few specific "lose stomach fat" exercises that you can use to get thinner, tone up, and create a more sculpted waistline. These are proven belly fat burners that completely melt off stubborn tummy fat. Take a quick 2 minutes now to read the rest of this article so you can get the waist that you want.

Lose Stomach Fat Exercises

1. Stationary bike sprints

I usually don't tell people to use a stationary bike, but if you do use one, the best way to use it to lose weight is to do brief 10 second sprints on. Go as fast as you can. Then go slow for 30 seconds. Keep repeating that sequence. 10 fast, 30 slow. Do this for 20 minutes, 4 days a week.

This will help you to peel off fat from your belly.

2. Commercial break jumping jacks

If you can't get to the gym and you don't have time for long 30 minute plus workouts, sneak your workouts into 3 minute long commercial breaks. I'm basically encouraging you to watch tv. Go for it. Just do your jumping jacks during some of the commercials. Try to do 7 commercial breaks of exercise.
3. Walking up and down your stairs

For people who have stairs in their home, condo building, or apartment building... USE THEM. Take 10-15 minutes and just walk up and down them. That's it. It's nothing fancy, but's it's proven to work for weight loss. You just gotta do it. For best results, do this 5 days a week. You have to do it all at once... don't spread it out.

These lose stomach fat exercises may be what you need to kickstart your weight loss into gear.
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Jennifer Jolan
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan
